WAITSBURG - One Waitsburg property and business owner decided not having the city pool open on Saturdays was negative for the commu- nity and he has ponied up the cash to keep kids and families cool in the pool for every Saturday the rest of the summer.
Charles Smith, who owns the Anchor Bar in Waitsburg and Charles Smith Wines in Walla Walla, said at the city council meeting last Wednesday he will pay for the Saturday pool costs to keep it available to the community on the week- ends.
Recently, he said his wife, who is 7.5 months pregnant, wanted to go swimming. The couple went to the Waitsburg pool only to find it closed, he recalled. Instead, the couple drove out to Prescott's pool and enjoyed some swimming there.
Smith was disappoint- ed that Waitsburg's pool wasn't open.
"I know the pool is a very proud part of our community here," he told the council.
The reason the pool has been closed on Saturdays is because of funding, or lack thereof. The city does not have a special taxing district that funds the pool and has to pay for it out of the general fund and through admission each year.
Smith said as a property and business owner in Waitsburg, he believes he has a responsibility to take care of the community's needs.
"I would like to pledge a sponsorship," Smith said. "It's a nice town and we can afford to do it."
City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe said it will cost about $2,500 to keep the pool open the rest of the Saturdays this summer. The extra costs go to pay lifeguards, heating the pool and will pay for city crew members to be on call in case of an issue at the pool, Hinchliffe said.
The lifeguards have already been notified of the extra day and are on board to work Saturdays, he added.
City Councilman Karl Newell said he certainly wasn't opposed to Smith's offer and Mayor Walt Go- bel thanked him profusely for his generosity.
"Mr. Smith - thank you, thank you, thank you," Gobel said.
Smith said before the council meeting on Wednesday night he drove by the pool where at least 35 people were swimming. And because the weather is expected to stay warm for the next three Saturdays, Smith said he knows having the pool open will bring lots of community members out who want to cool off.
"I'll be very happy to fulfill my obligation," Smith said. "It will keep my wife happy too."
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