Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

To the Editor, To the Editor,

Editor's Note: This letter references a letter to the editor that ran in the Union-Bulletin on July 16 from David G. Carey.

I agree with Mr. Carey. The position of county commissioner for Walla Walla County is a full-time position. It's too bad that not all of our county commissioners believe in this. If you attend the weekly commissioner meetings, or like me listen to them online, you would quickly realize this is a huge problem for some of the commissioners.

In Mr. Carey's letter, he indicates that the county commissioners meet two days a week. But did you realize that often these meetings last less than 3 hours. On June 18, the entire work day consisted of 61 minutes. Doing some quick math, it seems like these county commissioners get paid about $1,000 an hour. Another point made by Mr. Carey is that the commissioners serve on eight to 11 boards and committees representing the county's interests. In listening to the weekly meetings, I hear the commissioners' report on their activity and I doubt that this work amounts to much more than a few hours a week, especially if you rarely attend the monthly board meetings to which you're obligated, or as in this case, increase your recent attendance because you seek re-election. There are some weeks when there are no committee reports by any commis- sioners.

To say that a candidate doesn't realize the duties of a county commissioner or the full extent of what's required, because they pledge to work full time, is wrong. Those who run for elected office often do so because the current official isn't doing a very good job and the candidate believes they could do better. I believe that it is the case with this current county commissioner election. Don't we want our commissioners to work for us full time? Don't we want them to be able to make good decisions based on all the information not a half-time job.

I personally will vote for a candidate who won't be distract- ed by his other job and will commit to the county's business full time. I will vote for the candidate who finds the county's business interesting and worthwhile of report and attendance. So valu- able, that she has taken an active interest in this county for over 20 years and continues to learn as much as she can. A candidate who will not be satisfied with the same old way of doing business. I'll vote for the candidate with my and your interests in mind. For me and my family we will be voting for Chris Blackman!

Jason Postlewait

Walla Walla

Rich Cowan is the Demo- cratic candidate in the 5th Congressional District race, running against Cathy McMor- ris Rodgers.

It would be hard to find a stronger candidate. Rich was CEO of the acclaimed film company North by Northwest Productions for 22 years. This company employs 40 people in Spokane and Boise and has brought millions of dollars to the area. He resigned as CEO to give his full time to running for office.

He has undergraduate and graduate degrees from Wash- ington State University. He has been involved in community organizations and he is even an Eagle Scout and private pilot.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers, on the other hand, is most well known for standing behind Speaker John Boehner in pho- tos and videos and for voting a straight party line. She doesn't stand up for you unless you are very wealthy or a corporation. She has voted against equal pay for women, against veterans and against Medicare.

Rich Cowan is a solid and highly successful businessman who will work to bring jobs to the area, but will not sacrifice the core interests of the average citizen in doing so. Rich will represent the people of our district rather than the power bro- kers in Washington, D.C. Let's send someone to Congress who truly cares about the citizens of Eastern Washington.

Nancy Monacelli

Walla Walla


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