Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


SHERIFF'S OFFICE CONTRACT UPDATE WAITSBURG - During the Waistburg City Council meet- ing last Wednesday Mayor Walt Gobel suggested asking how much the Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office will ask for if the city contracts for 40 hours of service per week. Last month, City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe said the current contract with the sheriff's office for coverage is too expensive at 40 hours a week and suggested reducing the new contract hours to 30. Hinchliffe said Wednesday he did not know how much 40 hours would cost or how beneficial the extra 10 hours would be. Hinchliffe said the deputies legally must cover the area and answer calls for service in the county anyway. Gobel suggested some small modifica- tions to the draft contract and Councilman KC Kuykendall asked Hinchliffe to obtain more information about what times and days of the week have the most calls for service. Discussion on the contract was tabled to the next meeting. The contract must be ap- proved by both parties by the end of the year.

SPORTS MEETINGS COMING UP WAITSBURG - A Mandatory WP parent and athlete Fall Sports Meeting at 7 p.m., Aug. 6 in the Waitsburg High School Auditorium. There will be a mandatory WP coaches meeting, for all coaches for 2012-2013 sports, at 8 p.m., on Aug. 6 at Waitsburg High School in the third-floor staff work room.

THRESHERS HOSTS LORANG BENEFIT DAYTON - Threshers Bar and Grill will be donating 100 percent of their profits for the entire day on Friday, July 27, to the Lorang family of Dayton. The proceeds will include all profits from breakfast, lunch and dinner and the restaurant will be open from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. for the event. The Walla Walla band Hells Canyon will be donating some of their time as well to perform for the benefit. Their music includes country, old rock and new rock, according to Threshers owner Sandi Siess. Threshers will be closed Mondays and Tuesdays for the sum- mer.

FREE WHOOPING COUGH VACCINE WALLA WALLA - The Walla Walla County Health Depart- ment has free whooping cough vaccine for uninsured individu- als 19 years of age and older and adequate vaccine for children through 18 years of age. Cost is not a barrier to immunization of children as fees can be waived for those without insurance or who cannot afford vaccine. For more information on how to get vac- cinated, call 509-524-2655.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL DAYTON -- First Congregational Church-UCC and Dayton United Methodist Church are partnering in holding Vacation Bible School. VBS begins Monday, Aug. 6, and goes through Friday, Aug. 10. Each day begins at 9 a.m. at First Congregational with an opening of music, stories, and scripture then continues with games, crafts, snacks, and shared mission projects. The VBS pro- gram is free for children ages 4 through 12, and pre-registration is strongly encouraged (parental/guardian signature is required). Visit the church website at and see the VBS story link on the Home page for VBS to download, print and com- plete the registration form!

DINNER & A MOVIE DAYTON -- Time for a great dinner and a movie at the Liberty Theater! On Friday, July 27, join the Liberty Theater for a special dinner featuring authentic Indian cuisine, followed by the Liberty Theater premiere of the film "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel," starring Judy Dench, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy and Tom Wilkin- son. Dinner starts at 6 p.m. and tickets are $25 per person. Tickets are available online at or you can come into the chamber office on Main Street and purchase tickets there. Tickets are limited, so get them soon.

BIGGER, BETTER, BROADER ALREADY! WAITSBURG - Did you notice? We've increased the size of the Times to 16 pages one week early to bring you the best harvest and local news coverage! From here on out, enjoy four more pages of the Touchet Valley's premier news source each week. We're excited to bring you more news, photos, sports and features. For any questions or comments, please email Managing Editor Jillian Beaudry at or give us a call at 509-337-6631. Happy reading!


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