I thoroughly enjoyed the Harvest 2012 section. I had to chuckle though when I read: "so female harvest truck drivers are not un- heard of - just uncommon". Well, we have three female truck drivers, and most farm families with girls; well all the girls drive (drove) truck, combine or bank-out wagon, for their family. And wives, well, they weren't and aren't left out of the deal either. Some are full-time drivers or substitute drivers for trucks, combines or tractors, while others are flaggers.
Thankfully the days of cooking for the whole crew, as Gary Hofer wrote, are uncommon now. But for years the wives have been the parts runners, lunch and snack providers, meals at 9:00 at night, the listening ear for the weary harvester and the prayer warrior for the whole crew's safety. So to all those females out there, a safe and abundant harvest to you and your crews.
Pam ConoverWaitsburg
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