Editor's Note: In the July 26 issue of the Times, the end of this let- ter to the editor was cut off. Here is the letter in its entirety.
I have known Perry Doz- ier for many years. Before becoming county commissioner, he already had a proven track record of com- munity involvement and an understanding of the issues facing our valley. Perry had served as president of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers, com- missioner on the Washing- ton Barley Commission, a member of the Walla Walla County Planning Commission, community volunteer and other positions too numerous to list.
He hit the ground run- ning as commissioner and has been one of the best that we have ever had. Perry has not been afraid to confront difficult issues, and always has the best interests of our county in mind.
I approached him last year to ask if the county would be willing to help the city of Walla Walla with its en- forcement action against the owners of the Blue Mountain Mall. The county could have easily sidestepped the issue, but Perry's first reaction was that this was a problem for the whole area and his first question was how he could help. Perry is a man of his word, and you don't need it in writing when he says that he will do something. I support Perry for re-election and encourage my friends in the valley to do the same.
Tim Donaldson
Walla Walla
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