I am amazed at the Letter To The Editor that appeared in the July 30, 2012 Walla Walla Union-Bulletin. The double standard for women in politics, or any industry, is alive and well in Walla Walla. No, Chris Blackman should not wait until her husband retires. Why would any woman put her ca- reer on hold for her husband? That is a personal decision that some families make, but in this case, it is totally antiquated and ridiculous. There is simply no evidence to suggest that Chris Blackman's motives for run- ning for county commissioner is anything more than she be- lieves her background in edu- cation and public service is a better fit for the position. It has nothing to do with her husband working at the sheriff's office. Yes, the commissioner does oversee Walla Walla's Law and Justice budget. But this posi- tion does not make any sole de- cisions for any of the different department's finances that it oversees. Long before she met her husband, Chris Blackman worked hard to ensure that Walla Walla's children were safe, our families well, and the offenders behind bars.
Her belief in "public safety" comes from her background working with Child Protective Services, as a county designated mental health professional, and therapist for victims of domestic violence and rape.
As an educator, she contin- ues to see the effects crime and violence have on our society and she believes that her quali- fications and experiences gives her a unique perspective-one that no other county commissioner or candidate has.
Don't be fooled by people who write letters about people they don't know. It appears her opponents may be grasping at straws. Chris Blackman is an independent thinker who will be open-minded and consider all sides of an issue before making a decision. Even on tough issues. There is nothing questionable about her. She is a highly effective and credible person.
I have lived in the Walla Walla Valley all of my life until last year. I understand the needs of the community. That is why I am actively supporting Chris' campaign by being her committee treasurer. We have been friends for over 20 years and I do believe she is the best person for the job. I encourage you to vote for her for Walla Walla County Commissioner District 2.
Tammy Goff
Lee's Summit, Missouri
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