Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

To The Editor,

Lately I have taken a real interest in reading the blogs regarding the county commission- er's race. It seems that two issues keep repeating themselves.

The first is the fact that at age 18, Chris changed her first name from Billie Jo to Chris. Her first name has been Chris longer than she was Billie Jo and that is how her friends and colleagues know her. It's not an issue.

The second issue that appears to be of concern is the alleged conflict of interest with her husband employed by the sheriff's office (a career he has had for nearly 32 years). Appar- ently there are a few who believe that Chris doesn't have the abil- ity to be objective or the insight to know when to recuse herself on matters that are of conflicting interest. First, I'd like to say that after working with Chris I am confident that she can arrive at a decision completely separate and perhaps different than her husband's. Chris is a smart woman, who weighs both sides carefully before reaching a conclusion. She and her husband do not agree on everything, even when it comes to the sheriff's office.

Secondly, the alleged conflict of interest is no different than that of the other county commissioners. Dozier makes land use decisions that directly benefits his farming business and Tomp- kins receives county monies for his appliance business in the re- pair and replacement of certain machinery. I am not saying it's illegal, but just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

I think the most important issue is the fact that Chris Black- man will not be distracted by a second job. With revenues decreasing, Walla Walla County deserves a commissioner will- ing to work 100 percent for the people of Walla Walla, Waitsburg, Burbank, Prescott, College Place and Touchet, not at all distracted by a second job. Where do you think Dozier's mind is right now (and for the next several months) - with his farm.

Chris' mind will always be with Walla Walla County, work- ing collaboratively with elected officials and department heads to solve our economic issues, increase services and protect our individual rights. I encourage you to vote now (if you live in District 2) and in November for Chris Blackman. She is the only candidate who will commit full time to her job as county com- missioner.

Patty Jones

Walla Walla


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