Ten Years Ago
August 15, 2002
Weller Public Library is planning for a facil- ity upgrade by installing a new heating and air conditioning system. Extensive improvements are on the drawing board for the new system to complement the new technological improve- ments in the library. New computers have been provided by the Waitsburg Lions Club and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. If all goes well, patrons of the library will be able to search reference materials from libraries nationwide and have much improved access to information about books in the library.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
August 13, 1987
A fire near Alto Elevator, which started early in the afternoon on Monday, burned 100-plus acres of standing grain, and travelled about 5 or 6 miles toward Starbuck before three sets of fire control units (from Waitsburg, Dayton, and Starbuck) were able to quell it. Wind speeds on the hilltops were 25 to 30 mph. The fire burned down the north side of the canyon and jumped across the canyon in spots.
Fifty Years Ago
August 17, 1962
Three new faculty members arrived in town last week. They are the Robert Farmers, the Or- ville Clays, and the James Kelleys.
The swimming team attended a swimming party Wednesday night at Prescott given by the Prescott swim team. Most of the team attended, and they all reported having an excellent time.
Recently released from the Washington State Census Board was the item that Waitsburg is tied with Waterville in order of population rank for 138th with a population of 1,010.
Seventy-Five years Ago
August 20, 1937
Balin Pasley, who has been off the hob for the past week or so, has finally developed a mild case of smallpox, so the health officer reports.
Waitsburg residents just about "moved out" Monday and Monday night to attend the Coles' Bros. Circus at Walla Walla.
Some 300 young Chinese roosters were released along wooded areas in this locality early Tuesday evening. Roy Bains of the local Sportsman's Council assisted with the work of releasing the birds.
One Hundred Years Ago
August 16, 1912
A party composed of Ed Buroker and son, Harry Buroker and Mr. Kennedy left the first of the week for the Little Salmon on a fishing and hunting trip. They expect to be absent about 10 days.
A header belonging to the outfit of Walter Minnick broke down one day last week. A phone call was sent to D. Hayes, of the John Smith Hardware, Co., and in the remarkable short time of 15 minutes he was on the scene with the required extras.
Attorney M.O. Pickett and wife and A.G. Loundagin and wife left Tuesday for an outing of several days at Wallowa Lake, Ore. They made the trip in Mr. Loundagin's auto.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
August 12, 1887
Thursday, pile driving for the bridge across the Columbia was begun on the Kennewick side of the river.
Born at their residence on the Coppei, August 8, to the wife of D.C. Eaton, a son.
The Academy is enclosed and the roof is be- ing put on. All of the finishing lumber is from Portland and is A-1. Charley Richardson is do- ing an excellent job.
The County Commissioners ordered a war- rant drawn in favor of Capt. Shuham Co. for $45 armory rent. It seems from the actions of the Board that this is the first and last we get.
Preston Bros. and Parton made the first wheat shipment of the season this week sending three carloads to San Francisco and one to Seattle.
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