Ten Years Ago
August 22, 2002
The Waitsburg ambulance board will consider anoffer from Columbia County Hospital District thatwill be hard to refuse. Due to the hospital now beingdesignated as a "critical access hospital," the ad-
ministrator is offering to supply the local volunteerservice with supplies, equipment and to fund twopart-time Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)positions. He envisions Waitsburg having two 30hour per week EMTs, paid to remain close to the
fire station, ready to respond, and hoping to expandthe program in the coming years. It is hopeful that a
better emergency response system is in place so thatthere will be a response every time one is needed,and in case of terrorist activity in the region.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
August 20, 1987
Two young ladies from New York stopped intown this afternoon on their way to San Franciscoand then back to New York - on their bicycles. Theladies left New York on June 6 and have pedaledtheir way across the United States. From here, theyare on their way to Tacoma, then to San Francisco.After that they will begin their trek back to NewYork via Nevada and Colorado, where they willhave a more direct route back home. They stayed incampgrounds at first, but due to the cost, they havedecided to sleep in town parks. There have beentimes when people have offered their yards - anda hot shower.
Fifty Years Ago
August 24, 1962
The fifth annual barbecued salmon feed has beententatively set for Wednesday, Sept. 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rankin entertained at a wed-
ding reception Saturday night in honor of Capt. AndMrs. Fred Rankin who were married August 11 atFort Douglas, Utah.
Miss Margaret Mae Griffen, of Dayton, andBruce W. Harris, of Waitsburg, were married in adouble ring ceremony Aug. 19 in the Congrega-
tional Church in Dayton.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
August 27, 1937
A marriage license was issued last Saturday nightat 9:15 to Darrel McCauley of Dayton and BarbaraGrinstad of Waitsburg-Pomeroy East Washingto-
Mrs. W.W. Long has a force of carpenters erect-
ing a cottage on a lot next to her residence on EastThird Street.
The Waitsburg Welding Works is just now build-
ing three 23,000 gallon steel tanks for the Verteran'sHospital in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snell,Darrell Mock and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spear andfamily were among Waitsburg folks who attendedthe regatta on the Columbia River at White Bluffson Sunday.
One Hundred years Ago
August 23, 1912
Local watermelons have begun to come on themarket. J.D. Mitchell was on the street the first ofthe week with his first wagon load. He certainly hassome fine melons this year judging from the firstload.
The Jolly Entertainers, a group of 25 children
from Des Moines, Wash., will appear here for onenight only.
P.W. Preston and wife, and M. Zuger Jr., and wifereturned home Monday from a 10-day trip through
the Yellowstone Park. They report a fine trip.
E.R. Butler and wife, of Starbuck, visited withMr. Butler's parents, Dr. and Mrs. R.E. Butler, sev-
eral days this week.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
August 19, 1887
No market for wheat yet, although it is quoted at45 cents.
Complaints are being made of melon patches being invaded in town. Look out, boys; a dose of shotwill prove poor pay.
The City Council vacated the streets and alleysthrough the blocks on which the Academy stands,last evening.
There were five deaths in one day recently fromdiphtheria at Summerville in Grand Ronde, and
there are not 50 cases there.
Intense excitement prevailed in this city on Mon-
day when it became known that a match had beenarranged between J.H. Morrow, the Dr. Carver ofWaitsburg, and Ed McCann, late of St. Paul and ex-
champion of the state on Minnesota.
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