DAYTON - Scott Watkins, a 33-year-old Dayton resident, was arrested by the Benton County Sheriff's Office on a warrant Tuesday, Aug 28, and faces 12 charges for burglary and theft of firearms, knives and video equipment, according to the Columbia County Prosecutor's Office.
Watkins appeared before Judge William Acey on Thurs- day, Aug. 23 in Columbia Coun- ty, represented by Andrea Bur- khart of Burkhart and Burkhart firm. His appeal court date was set for 2 p.m. on Thursday, Sept 6. Watkins faces charges of bur- glary in the second degree, three counts of unlawful possession of a firearm in the first degree, three counts of theft of a firearm, three counts of possession of a stolen firearm, one count of theft in the second degree and one count of possession of stolen property in the second degree. The charges stem from crimes reported after a burglary on Second Street in Dayton late last January.
The Columbia County Sher- iff's Office was unable to locate Watkins until he was arrested by the Benton County Sheriff's Office seven months after the al- leged crime, Columbia County Sheriff's Office Public Informa- tion Officer Dian McClurg said.
Watkins is currently in cus- tody of the Department of Cor- rections being held on $150,000 bail.
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