Dixie School District No.101 When: Monday August 20, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. New Business ACTIONS: 1) Policy & procedure 1400: Meetings, notice, conduct. 2) Policy 1420: proposed agenda & consent agenda. 3) Policy & procedure 2022: Electronic resources (1st reading) 4) Policy 2220: School calendar 5) Policy & procedure 6801: Capital assets/theft-sensitive assets 6) Provision 2 lunch program DISCUSSION: 1) Captain Planet foundation grant
Walla Walla County Board of Commisioners When: August 28, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. In Attendance: Commis- sioner District 2: Perry L Dozier; Commissioner District 1: James K Johnson; Commissioner District 3: Chair Gregory A tompkins Others present: Shanda Zessin, Sheriff's office; Randy Glaeser, Public Works Department Direc- tor and Scott Wagner, staff; Andy Porter, Union Bulle- tin; Sheriff John Turner; Jay Winter, County Consultant for Personnel/Risk Management Issues - ROLL CALL - PLEDGE OF ALLE- GIANCE - WORKSHOP: Re Trans- fer of Sheriff's office ve- hicles to Equipment Rental & Revolving fund : Shanda Zessin gave history and pro- vided information on future plans and how the budget was built. Commissioners asked questions during the presentation. Scott Wagner and randy Glaeser from Public works also added information. Sheriff Turner provided clarification on two law enforcement uti- lized vehicles that are not Current Expense or County Budget related ones. - OTHER: Discussion re- quest for copier/printer (second of two requested from Current Expense bud- get for the Sheriff's office; only one was approved for purchase earlier, to re- place one that was no lon- ger operational.) Sheriff Turner asked re uniform replacement funding status. Commissioner Dozier responded that 2013 preliminary budget will be given to commissioners next Tues- day, to show the financial position and give an indica- tion what will be needed to fund 2013. Commissioner Tomkins asked also if a transition or replacement plan could be made; the Sheriff said uniforms are falling apart. Commissioner James K Johnson made the motion, District 2 commissioner Perry Dozier seconded; District 2 Commissioner Perry Dozier approved, District 1 commissioner James K Johnson approved, and District 3 Commissioner Chair Gregory Tompkins also approved.
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