Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley
Walla Walla County
Paul Corduner to Meghan Urbeck
on June 30th
Erik Johnson to Katherine Holland
on June 23rd
Santiago Zuniga to Krystal Reyes
on June 30th
Ronald Fox to Kimberly Furstenberg on June 30th
Edgar Ramirez to Gloria Perez
Carbajal on June 29th
Jason Phillips to Kristan McKenzieon June 30th
Dustin Bezdicek to Kalista Knudson on June 23rd
Justin Harper to Johannah Paine
on June 29th
Colick Teranski to Juanita Nealon July 1st
Brandon McKinney to Kasey Remington June 30th
Martin Surridge to Lauren Petersonon June 24th
Eric Jauhiainen to Susan Rubin on
June 30th
Juan Lara Urueta to BobbieJo
Johnson on July 5th
James Yancey to Kylee Chris-
tensen on July 6th
Justin Bennett to Christine Tupper
on June 30th
Karl Wooster to Samantha Sand-
erson on July 8th
Jordan Cowgill to Heather Wilder
on July 7th
Manuel Reyna Jr. to Crystal Hintonon July 7th
Howard Wagoner to Marcie Jones
on July 7th
William Lighthall to Judy Arbanas
June 30th
James Brush to Dawn Svendsen
July 6th
Dougles Adams to Tiffani SmithJuly 12th
Jeremiah Gonzalez to Hailey Tarteron July 7th
Brandon Alexander to Vanessa
Person on July 13th
Bradley Willcuts to Natalie Rogers
on July 14th
Richard Wall to Brittany Wall onJuly 13th
Mackenzie Carson Rote to NicholeJansen on July 14th
Joel Navarro to Martha Dettwileron July 15th
Gregory Mitchell to Mara Sorkinon July 18th
Keith Boon to Kendra Leisher on
July 17th
Salvador Chavez to Mayra Rosales
on July 13th
Kenneth Gradin to Alicia Norman
on July 4th
Diego Dejesus Cruz Jr to Victoria
Kinne on July 14th
Casey Redinger to Marie Rinehart
on July 21st
Jeffrey Dobbins to Catherine Fullenon July 21st
Matthew Litchfield to Katie Pease
on July 21st
Nicholas Ferraro to Corrine Hol-
brook on July 21st
Jamison Cummins to Bridget Co-
pler on July 21st
Raul Marroquin Jr to Alicia Pontion July 21st
Steven Sanderson to Michelle
Chinn on July 25th
Marshall Moman to Elizabeth Led-
ford on July 11th
Joseph Rood to Cia Cortinas onJuly 20th
Richard Carlton to Connie Kindel-
spire on July 26th
Jhon Giraldo to Nichole Konen on
July 21st
Pedro Porras to Maria Escalante
on July 27th
Kenneth Jenkins to Monica Klinger
on July 12th
Kyler Knowles to Hanna Moran on
July 27th
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