Ten Years Ago September 5, 2002
Pat Mohney will represent Walla Walla County in 9/11 ceremony in Seattle. Next week on September 11, he will be in a special place of honor, joining 38 other "everyday heroes" from Washington's 39 counties, carrying the Walla Walla county flag in a memorial ceremony in Seattle on the first anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Pat is recognized for his actions on April 21, 2001. That Saturday in April 2001, Mohney came upon the scene of two Rott- weiler dogs attacking a toddler as her mother attempted to fend off the family dogs which had suddenly gone berserk. Mohney was recognized by numerous civic groups, law enforcement organizations and by the Washington State Senate.
Twenty-Five Years Ago September 3, 1987
Park Ranger Gary Lentz was in the office last week with a handsome sign in a baked-on porcelain of a portion of the front page of The Times published on July 14, 1933. It was Volume 56, Number 17. The message was calling people to a picnic at the "Bateman Grove," which is the site of what is now the Lewis and Clark Trail State Park. The sign will be part of an exhibit regarding the park, telling some of the early history (circa the days when Lewis and Clark came through) as well as some of the latter day events that con- cerned how the park came into being, and how it eventually was made into a state park. Giving us a bit of history, which is Gary's interest, he said that the park had four possible names. One was Bateman Grove, named for the original owners of the timber stand. Others were Shiloh State Park and Marcus Whitman State Park. He said the eventual Lewis and Clark Trail State Park was adopted, but it has been con- fusing, since there is also a Lewis and Clark State Park in Washington.
Fifty Years Ago September 7, 1962
James M. Nifong, former Waitsburg resident and a 1935 graduate of Waitsburg High School, has been selected as one of 310 officers for promotion from the rank of Commander to Captain. This is one of the highest Navy ranks ever at- tained by a local boy. Captain Nifong is the son of T.M. Nifong who is residing at Boise, Idaho, after retiring from employment at the Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. in Waitsburg when it closed several years ago.
Seventy-Five Years Ago September 10, 1937
Among Waitsburg people in Spokane over Labor Day to attend the race program at Playfair were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Allen, Eric Aldrich, Sereta Sayers, Fred and Kenneth Zuger, Jack and Pete Kinder, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crall and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Chew.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Quigg have returned from a several-day's trip to Butte, Mont.
The Waitsburg schools opened for the fall term Tuesday morning. In Central School, 160 pupils enrolled on the first day and in High School, 110.
Charles Vollmer was elected commander of the Samuel W. Southard Post No. 35. Other officers elected were W.R. Weller, vice-commander; John White, historian; Victor Hirsch, finance officer; Walter Smith, chaplain; Glen Smith, service officer, and Dr. H. A. Mount Americanism officer.
Miss Esther Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor of Walla Walla and Melvin Hair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hair living near Prescott, were married Friday morning at the Central Christian Church.
One Hundred Years Ago September 6, 1912
The August rain record was smashed and harvest further delayed by a very heavy rain last Friday and Saturday. The total precipitation for the month of August was 2.67 inches and the rainfall of the last week was over .91 inches.
It is with no small degree of satisfaction that the city coun- cil announces that a warrant has been issued to the Eastern Trust Co. holding the City Water Works bonds, in a sum of $19,000 together with the last semi-annual interest payments of $760. This cleans up all out outstanding water bonds.
The city street and alley committee was instructed by the city council to obtain estimates of the cost of macadamizing Coppei Avenue from the city limits to East Third Street.
James Fudge of Huntsville is installing an electric motor and Leader pumping plant for supplying his house with wa- ter. He will have a thousand gallon tank and out water under sufficient pressure to raise it to the desired height.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago September 9, 1887
It would be a good idea to either drain that lake, corner Main and Third Streets, just south of the city hotel, or put a boat on it and thus convert it into a pleasure resort. It's not much of a pleasure resort as is.
Last Saturday night was a lovely one and the Sarah- Neighders were out filling the air with sweet vocal music. Such midnight disturbances are exceedingly agreeable.
A mountain of iron ore has been discovered in the Ya- kima country three miles from Cle Elum, a town of the Northern Pacific.
Waitsburg Academy opened on Tuesday with 25 stu- dents. Pretty good for a starter.
Whitman College library now contains 2,440 bound volumes and nearly 2,000 pamphlets, being the third largest library in the territory.
50 cents on wheat at J.W. Morgan's on account or in exchange for goods.
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