Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley
Waitsburg School
District No. 401-100 When: Wednesday Sep- tember 12, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. New Business CONSENT AGENDA: 1) Minutes for August 8th Board Meeting 2) Ac- counts Payable 3) Payroll 4) Budget Status Reports REPORTS: 1) Elemen- tary Principal's Report 2) Secondary Principles Report 3) Athletic Director's Report 4) Facilities/Main- tenance/Transportation Supervisor's Report 5) Superintendent's Report NEW BUSINESS: 1) Enrollment Update 2) State Assessment Results 3) Food Service Co-op Agreement with Spokane School District 4) Goals for 2012-2013 5) Student Handbooks for 2012-2013 6) Collective Bargaining Agreement for Certified Staff 7) Col- lective Bargaining Agree- ment for Classified Staff 8) Fee Schedule, 2012- 2013 (revision) 9) Per- sonnel, Also, FFAtrip to national FFA Convention EXECUTIVE SESSION: Per RCW 42.30.110(1) (d) - Review publicly held contracts
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