Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley
Walla Walla County
Board of Commisioners
When: September 11, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. In Attendance: Commis- sioner District 2: Perry L Dozier; Commissioner District 1: James K Johnson; Commissioner District 3 Chair: Gregory A Tompkins Others present: Randy Glaeser, County Public Works Department Direc- tor; Andy Porter, Union- Bulletin ROLL CALL -MOMENT OF SILENCE: Recognition for the victims of 9/11 - PLEDGE OF ALLE- GIANCE -ACTION AGENDA ITEM: Bid award 2012 Crack Seal- ing; Mr. Glaeser gave the background information. -MISCELLANEOUS: Some discussion on meeting and any unfinished business to come before the Board MOTION: Move to ap- prove the bid award for 2012 crack sealing to Johns Excavating and Paving, in the amount of $161,020.00 as recommended by the County Engineer. Commis- sioner District 1- James K Johnson: Motion; Commissioner District 2- Perry L Dozier: 2nd; Commissioner District 2- Perry L Dozier: Approve; Commissioner District 1- James K Johnson: Approve; Commissioner District 3 Chair- Gregory A Tomkins: Approve ADJOURN Commissioner District 2: Perry L Dozier made motion, Commissioner District 1: James K Johnson second- ed; Commissioner District 2: Perry L Dozier approved; Commissioner District 1: James K Johnson approved; Commissioner District 3 Chair: Gregory A Tomkins approved
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