Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Dayton School Board

Minutes When: Regular monthly meeting on September 5, 2012 In Attendance: Steve Mar- tin, David Bailey, Marchand Hovrud, Tamara Fritze and Joe Huether ADDITIONS TO AGEN- DA: 1) Accept resignation from Des Jones as concessions director. 2) Add topics to Superintendent's Report - Collective Bargaining Agreements 3)Add policy 2024 regarding On Line Learning to Policy Review. 4) Add Policy 6891 regard- ing School Facilities to Policy Review. 5) List Cas- sandra Thompson as M/S Volleyball Asst Coach on the consent agenda items. 6) Add Policies 2152, 2255 and 1400 to Action Items for approval of first reading. PUBLIC COMMENT: AJ Walker presented informa- tion in regards to cheerlead- er activities and the use of uniforms. He discussed the fund raising efforts that have taken place. Jana Eaton added details in regards to the scope of the fundraising. Information was provided that show there is legal argu- ment supporting that school boards could adopt policies that allow for the practice of cheerleaders being able to keep their uniforms. Discus- sion ensued in regards to the policy as it is currently writ- ten and the possible changes that would help to clarify the current practice. Board member Hovrud indicated that she felt the squad was very competitive, and that we should be proud of what they are accomplishing. Coach Walker stated that he was also very proud of the girls and the work they have done. REPORTS: ASB Report: Colleen Delp reported on current ASB discussions including JV cheer squads a friendly competition between Dayton and Waits- burg to raise funds to sup- port cancer research. Gar- rett Turner is in charge of the fundraiser and more details will follow. ADMINISTRATIVE RE- PORTS: Elementary Princi- pal Katie Leid - Mrs. Leid was unable to attend due to an injury. HS Principal Andy Maheras - Mr. Ma- heras was unable to attend, but submitted his report to the board prior to the meeting. Topics included the activities of the first couple of weeks of school. There were some scheduling challenges that are being resolved. He noted that there will be an academic assembly in the coming weeks to honor students who have maintained high GPA's and the board will be invited to attend. SUPERINTENDENTS REPORTS: AED- Dayton Lions Club- Superintendent Johnson met with Glen Mendel in regards to the AED that the Lions Club raised funds to purchase. They will also provide a storage box for the defibril- lator. The current AED is portable and is generally available for sporting events. Mike McGhan is willing to do the training that will help to make staff comfortable with the machine. Superintendent Johnson will follow up with the Lions to thank them for their generous donation.


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