Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Perry H. Price, Jr.


Walla - Lo­cal Veterinarian, Dr.

Perry Hugh Price Jr. , 73 passed away September 1, 2012, at home surrounded by his loved ones.

Perry arrived in this world on his Mother's Birthday, April 3, 1939 in Eugene, Oregon, to Perry H. Price Sr. and Gladys Bibee Price. His formative years, with sister Linda, were spent in Big Arm, Montana near his grandparents, Golden and Hattie Bibee. It was on their farm that Perry was set on his path of life, caring for animals. He attended the one room school house, sometimes riding his horse to school and graduat­ed from Wallowa High School in Oregon in 1957. Spend­ing summers in the Wallowa Mountains building trails for the US Forest Service helped him earn his degree at Colo­rado State University with his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree. Upon graduation in 1963, his first job was in Walla Walla, Washington until he was drafted by "Uncle Sam".

From 1965 to 1967 Perry was the Commanding officer of the Veterinary Medical De­tachment assigned to the 3rd Army's 15th Field Hospital in support of the US Army's 82nd Airborne Division Inter- American Peace Force in the Dominican Republic where he achieved the rank of Captain.

In 1966 Perry and Freda Kay Harris were married on December 17 in Waitsburg, Washington. With his ser­vice completion in 1967, they moved from Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, to resume his ca­reer in Hermiston and The Dalles, Oregon. In 1970 they purchased Blue Mountain Vet­erinary Hospital and the family returned to the Walla Walla Val­ley. Dr. Price practiced for the next 42 years until he closed the doors of his business but not his love for the animals and owners he had known.

Perry was a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Life Member of the Walla Walla Elks Lodge #287, member of the Waitsburg Gun Club and the National Rifle Association. His volun­teer excursions with the Game Department and the Wild Life Rehabilitation work with Shir­ley Miller were the highlights of his veterinary practice.

Perry's greatest accom­plishment was his family. He is survived by his wife at home; two sons: Kelly Price, Spokane, WA and KC Price (Svetlana Legetic), Washing­ton, D.C.; his seven daughters: Sarah Price (Masayuki Nagao) of Tomano, Japan; Laura & Patrick Price-Holtz; Mary Price (Craig Dreher); and Megan Price of Walla Walla, Washington; and his three daughters at home - Cailin, Ceriann, and Maillie Price. He was so proud of his grandchil­dren: Hana and Joshu Nagao, Liam Price-Dreher, and Grif­fon Price-Holtz. He is also sur­vived by his sister, Linda, and brother-in-law Larry Prager of Fallbrook, CA; his nephews, Daniel and David Prager; his mother-in-law, Rose Harris and sister-in-law, Donna Har­ris, both of Spokane, Washing­ton. He was preceded in death by his parents.

We thank all friends who have supported him and his family through his journey in life and his battle against cancer - especially Dr. Doug Dunham, the Providence St. Mary Regional Cancer Center and staff, the doctors at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and Wal­la Walla Community Hospice.

Perry was not much for organized religion but he knew where he came from and where he was going. He liked the quote, "All Creatures, great or small, the good Lord Loves them All"

Memorial contributions are your choice through Mountain View-Colonial DeWitt, 1551 Dalles Military Road, Walla Walla WA 99362; however, the family hopes you will consider those organizations in our com­munity that serve cancer pa­tients, their loved ones, and pets.

A Celebration of Life for Perry H. Price Jr. will be held at The Elk's Lodge, 351 E. Rose Street, on Saturday, Sep­tember 22, 2012 from 1 to 4 p.m. in the afternoon.


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