Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Columbia County Fair Exhibitor Winners

Columbia County Fair Special Award Winners 2012

Award and Recipient

Swine Fitting & Showing FFAOverall Champ, Hanna Grant

Swine Fitting & Showing FFAReserve, Emily Wilson

Swine Fitting & Showing4-H Grand Champ, BryeanaMyrick

Swine Fitting & Showing 4-HReserve, Cheyenne Marlow

Sheep Fitting & Showing FFAGrand Champ, Hayden Fullerton Sheep Fitting & Showing FFAReserve, Trenton Ketselman

Sheep Fitting & Showing 4-HOverall champ, Josilyn Ful-


Sheep Fitting & Showing 4-HReserve, Shayla Currin

Beef Fitting & Showing GrandChamp, Hayden Wooldridge

Beef Fitting & Showing Re-

serve, Zane Patton

4-H Goat Fitting & Show-

ing Grand Champ, MorganForney

4-H Goat Fitting & ShowingReserve, Devon Harshman

FFA Sheep Grand Champ,Logan Harshman

FFA Sheep Reserve, MirandaCallahan

Overall Round Robin Cham-

pion for 4-H and FFA, Br-

yeana Myrick

4- H Market Hog GrandChamp, Jennifer Warren

4-H Marketing Hog Reserve,Seamus House

4-H Marketing Beef GrandChamp, Lexie Ramirez

4-H Marketing Beef Reserve,Tayren Seney

4-H Marketing Goat GrandChamp, Grace Coulston

4-H Marketing Goat Reserve,Devon Harshman

4-H Marketing Sheep GrandChamp, Josilyn Fullerton

4-H Marketing Sheep Re-

serve, Shayla Currin

FFA Marketing Hog GrandChamp, Luke Alexenko

FFA Marketing Hog Reserve,Hannah Grant

FFA Marketing Goat GrandChamp, Logan Harshman

FFA Marketing Goat Reserve,Miranda Callahan

FFA Marketing Sheep GrandChamp, Hayden Fullerton

FFA Marketing Sheep Re-

serve, Trenton Kitselman

FFA Marketing Beef GrandChamp, Malia Frame

Judges Choice Youth Wood-

working, Cason Nichols

Champion Senior Goat Show-

man, Heather McCoon

Champion Junior Dog Show-

man, Devon Harshman

Reserve Grand Champi-

on Dog Showman, DevonHarshman

Grand Champion DogJumping, Devon Harshman

Champion Junior Swine

Showman, Seamus House

Reserve Champion JuniorSwine Showman, DaltinLambert

4-H Baked Foods

Rebecca Smith, 10 blue,

Sweepstakes, ReserveSweepstakes, Judge'sChoice

Timothy Daves, 1 red

Robin Krekula, 1 blue

Tia Krekula, 1 blue

Balian Walter, Clover Bud

Wheat Grower's Award, Re-

becca Smith

Awards for Best OverallBaked Food Exhibitors:

Broughton Land Co.

1st - Rebecca Smith

2nd - Robin Krekula

3rd - Tia Krekula

Creative Kids Baking - Quick


1st - Robin Krekula

2nd - Tia Krekula

3rd - Rebecca Smith

Table Setting:

Cheyenne Gritman, blue

Rebecca Smith, blue

4-H Quilting:

Melanie Mottern, blue, Sr.Division, Sweepstakes

Angie Dedloff, blue, Interme-

diate Div. Sweepstakes

Wren McClurg, blue, Inter-

mediate Div. Reserve Sweep-


Rebecca Smith, blue, Jr. Divi-

sion, Sweepstakes

Carissa Price, blue

Samantha Sweetwood, blue

4-H Food Preservation:

Emily Adams, 9 blue, 1 white,Sweepstakes, Reserve Sweep-

stakes, Judge's Choice

Timothy Daves, 7 blue, 4 red

Seamus House, blue

Tom House, red

4-H Photography:

Timothy Daves, 1 blue, 1 red,Cheyenne Gritman, 3 blue,4 red, Sweepstakes, Judge'sChoice

Dog Showmanship:

Jacob Breaux-blue, Junior


Cheyenne Gritman-blue, Ju-

nior Reserve Champion

Samantha Sweetwood-blue,Intermediate Champion

Payton Dowdy-blue, Interme-

diate Reserve Champion

Dog Obedience:

Jacob Breaux-white

Payton Dowdy-white

Cheyenne Gritman-white

Samantha Sweetwood-white


Jacob Breaux-red

Payton Dowdy-white

Samantha Sweetwood-white

Standard Agility:

Cheyenne Gritman- blue,Champion

Jacob Breaux-blue, ReserveChampion

Samantha Sweetwood-red

Payton Dowdy-white

Agility Jumpers:

Jacob Breaux-blue, Champion Payton Dowdy-white

Cheyenne Gritman-white

Samantha Sweetwood-red

FFA: Metal Art/Shop Proj-


Bonnie Laib-2 blue, Sweepstakes Levi Laib-blue

Dayton FFA-3 blue

Waitsburg FFA-blue, Sweep-



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