SEASONAL FLU SHOTS DAYTON -- A Flu Clinic will be held at the Co- lumbia County Senior Center, 403 East Patit Street, Dayton, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Adults (19 & over) only $30. Medicare, Medicaid and Private Pay accepted. Questions: contact Columbia County Public Health at (509) 382-2181.
SKATE PARK DISCUSSION CONTINUES DAYTON - Mayor Craig George encourages all parents or guardians of children and young adults us- ing the skate park in Dayton to attend the city council meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 24, at the Catholic church parish hall at 112 S. First Street across from City Hall. The skate park and possible solutions will be discussed. Anyone interested in helping to solve the skate park problem is encouraged to attend.
YOUNG LIFE ANNUAL BANQUET DAYTON -- Dayton's annual Young Life dessert banquet and fundraiser will be at 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 30, at the Running T Ranch. This will be a fun oppor- tunity to learn about Young Life and how it enhances the spiritual growth of our Dayton High School stu- dents, as well as experiencing inspiring fellowship and free pie and ice cream. The guest speaker, Rep. Kevin Parker, will share his experience during the Columbine tragedy as a Young Life leader. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. To save a seat, please contact Marne Henderson at 509-386-2365 or Debbie Brueg- man at 509-520-0530.
FREE SHOOTING DAYS DAYTON - The Columbia County Shooting Asso- ciation will be offering free days to sight in your rifles in preparation for the coming hunting season at no cost to the public. Free days will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 15, from noon to 5 p.m. Sept. 16, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 23 and from noon to 5 p.m. on Sept. 24. The range is on Patit Creek and Range Grade Road. A member of the association will be in attendance on those days. Contact 382-8926 for more information.
FIRST THURSDAY CONCERT WALLA WALLA -- The Oct. 4 First Thursday concert will be held from 12:15-12:50 St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 323 Catherine St., Walla Walla. The Rhapsody Trio with Tim Brown, cellist, Roger Garcia, clarinetist, and Laura Curtis, pianist, will be performing works of Brahms and Bruch. The concert is free, but donations are greatly appreciated and will be given to the Walla Walla Music Boosters, the charity of the performers' choice. Bring your lunch, a friend and enjoy the music. For more information call: Tanya Hunker, 529-1083.
GROUNDBREAKING FOR PROJECT WALLA WALLA -- The Frenchtown Histori- cal Foundation held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new shelter at the Frenchtown Historic Site west of Walla Walla at noon on Thursday, Sept. 6. The $100,000 project is being funded with a $50,000 grant from the Sherwood Trust, a $10,000 grant from the Wildhorse Foundation, a $5000 grant from the Bald Trust, and a variety of other local grants and business and individual contributions. The new shelter will be in the style of French Canadian log cabins, and will provide covered space for interpretive gatherings, equip- ment storage, restrooms, and displays. The Frenchtown Historic Site is open daily from sunrise to sunset with no admission charge. For directions, and other detailed information regarding the site, go to www.frenchtown-, email, or call 509-629-0044.
FARMERS MARKET CLOSING DAYTON - The Dayton Farmers Market will close for the summer on Saturday, Sept. 29. Anyone inter- ested in vending before the market closes is invited to come out and participate. Until it closes, the market will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the patio outside of the Dayton Depot.
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