Beef Breeding Cattle
Open Beef
Kendall Dixon with "Molly"
Grayson Slaybaugh"George"
Eva Maconnell "PJ"
Braedon Fruh "Lucky"
Sadie Klaveano "Cactus"
Jillian Herres with "Penny"
Colby Ledgerwood "Blue
Nolan Newberg "Amy"
Kenzy Pickering "Smurfette"
Marchelle McNeilly "Caramel" Sam Wolf "Harry"
Kyzer Herres "Junior"
Champion Heifer: MadisonDixon
Reserve Champion Heifer:Dutch Flat Angus
Champion Bull: Dutch FlatAngus
Reserve Champion Bull:Dutch Flat Angus
Champion Heifer: CabornetCattle
Reserve Champion Heifer:Cabornet Cattle
Champion Bull: CabornetCattle
Champion Heifer: JillianHerres
Res. Champion Heifer: CXRanch
Champion Bull: CX Ranch
Res. Champion Bull: CXRanch
Champion Heifer: Ledgerwood Gelbvich
Res. Champion Heifer: Ledgerwood Gelbvich
Champion Bull: Ledgerwood Gelbvich
Res. Champion Bull: Ledgerwood Gelbvich
Champion Heifer: KendallDixon
Res. Champion Heifer: Torrie Koller
Champion Bull: 3 G Ranch
Grand Champion: Ledgerwood Gelbvich
Res. Grand Champion:Dutch Flat Angus
OVERALL BULL CHAMPION Grand Champion: Ledgerwood Gelbvich
Res. Grand Champion: 3 GFarms
Champion Heifer : KendallDixon
Res. Champion: MadisonDixon
Grade Herd-5 Head:
Champion: LedgerwoodGelbvich
Res. Champion: Dutch FlatAngus
Champion: LedgerwoodGelbvich
Res. Champion: Dutch FlatAngus
Jr. Market Steer F&S Champion: Logan Ledgerwood
Jr. Market Steer F&S Res.Champion: Josie Zimmerman Int. Market Steer F&S Champion: Anna Dinsmore
Int. Market Steer F&S Reserve Champion: CarmenGingerich
Sr. Market Steer F&S Champion Scott Slaybaugh
Sr. Market Steer F&S Reserve Champion- AshtonHalverson
Grand Champion MarketSteer- Anna Dinsmore
Reserve Champion MarketSteer- Ashton Halverson
Jr. Feeder Steer F&S Champion Logan Ledgerwood
Int. Feeder Steer F&S Champion Madison Dixon
Int. Feeder Steer F&S Reserve Champion- CarmenGingerich
Sr. Feeder Steer F&S Champion Ashton Halverson
Sr. Feeder Steer F&S Reserve Champion- Scott Slaybaugh Grand Champion FeederSteer- Madison Dixon
Reserve Champion FeederSteer: Carmen Gingerich
Champion of Champions-Halter Class-A Smooth Player 2 year old colt owned byKristi & Sara Riley-Pomeroy
Extreme Trail Challenge:Won by Lazelle RussellWalla Walla
All other Equine: MeganDye
Grand Champ: MarissaStorrs
Reserve Champ: Cash Copher & Emily Boyd
Walk Trot: Marissa Storrs
Showmanship: Megan Dye
English Equatation: MeganDye
Western Pleasure: MeganDye
Trail in Hand: Marissa Storrs
Western Equitation:
Grand Champ: Wyatt Flynn
Reserve Champ: AshtonHalverson
Bareback Equitation:
Grand Champ: Wyatt Flynn
Reserve Champ: AshtonHalverson
Trail in Hand:
Grand Champ:Wyatt Flynn
Reserve Champ: MakaylaMiller
Grand Champ: Wyatt Flynn
Reserve Champ: MahalaLaForge
Fitting & Showing:
Grand Champion: WyattFlynn
Fitting& Showing Champion: Troy Steele
Fitting & Showing Champion: Brandi Russell
Confirmation Champion:Kendall Dixon
Confirmation Res. Champion: Brandi Russell
Fitting & Showing Champion: Madison Dixon
Reserve Champion: TeaganSteele
Confirmation Champion:Jaden Steele
Reserve Champion: MadisonDixon
Champ. Feeder Lamb:Makayla Miller
Class 1 Champion: WalkerFlynn
Reserve Champion: MadisonBingman
Class 2 Champion: JackBaser
Reserve Champion: TylerSlaybaugh
Class 3 Champion: KeelyMaves
Reserve Champion: BrodieMagill
Class 4 Champion: TrentGwinn
Reserve Champion: TraceRoberts
Fitting & Showing:
Class 1 Champion: Tyler
Reserve Champion: GunnerMagill
Class 2 Champion: OllieSevers
Reserve Champion: KeelyMaves
Class 3 Champion: BradonFruh
Reserve Champion: WalkerFlynn
Champion: Hazel McGee
Reserve Champion: HeidiHeytvelt
Junior Class:
Champion: Emma Severs
Reserve Champion: JordynHutchens
Intermediate Class:
Champion: Kiley Davis
Reserve Champion: Jack VanPelt
Seniors Class:
Champion: Devon Caruso
Reserve Champion: HoganHeytvelt
Grand Champion: Joan KHerres
Reserve Champion: Joan KHerres
Grand Champion: Sam Wolf
Reserve Champion: WyattFlynn
Grand Champion: Ron Kessler Reserve Champion: RonKessler
Special Award: Sam Wolf-Duck
Open Dog Show:
All Blues: Kiersten Bartles,Daneille Johnson, Ales Kittrell OPEN CRAFTS
Best Holiday Craft: MemoryManor Residents
Craftiness Award: Sara Scoggins Most Outstanding Craft: Galina Tom
Outstanding Woodwork:Butch Klaveano
Best Scrapbook: Becky Ruble Best Leather or Nature Craft:Kristi Riley
Best Recycled Craft: EmilyRuchert
Best Fair Theme: Ann Heitstuman Junior Open Crafts:
Outstanding Jr. Craft: JohnWaldher with "Queen Anne'sRevenge" Pirate Ship
Superintendents Jr. CraftAward: Kara Manion withEducational Posters.
Most Original: Clara Jentzwith Pink Basket
Best Recycled: Kendall Dixon with Halloween Wreath
Best Fair Theme: Deana Caruso with Bee World Journal
Home Ec. Busy Bee Award:Cheryl Fujishin
Home Ec. Best Fair Theme:Judy Breithaupt
Home Ec. SuperintendentsAward: Sarah Scoggin &Family
Creativity Award: MargaretMelquist
Best Child Garment: BrendaKing
Best in Class: Carla Heytvelt
Needlework & Quilts:
Nifty Needle: Margie Byrd
Special Needlework: KaraManion
Best Afghan: Orleatha Gasseling Best Sweater: Otti Miller
Best Junior Quilt: Evan Bartles Best Small Quilt: AliceGwinn
Best Large Quilt: BarbaraBartels
Outstanding Applique: CarlaHeytvelt
Outstanding Needlework:Jennie O'dell
Best Embroidery: Tina Keller
Wilton Cake Contest:
1st Place Senior: Judy Breithaupt 2nd Place Senior: Dotty VanVogt
1st Place Junior: MadisonDixon
Best Rolls:
1st Place Senior: Ann Heistuman 2nd Place Senior: OttieMiller
Best Overall Pie:
Senior : Ashley Dixon
Junior: Westelle Scoggin
TLC Chocolate Chip Contest: Senior: Dotty Van Vogt
TCSD&M Chocolate Contest: Dotty Van Vogt
Sams Best Pie:
1st: Phyllis Cannon
2nd: Sandy Barr
Homemade Bread:
1st Place Senior: Ann Heistuman 1st Place Junior: Mara Collins 2nd Place Junior: WyattFlynn
Homemade Cake:
1st Place: Margie Byrd
2nd Place: Ottie Miller
Most Original Cake: JudyBreithaupt
Best Fair Theme Cake: LauraDixon
Giant Cookie Contest:
8 and under: Walker Flynn
9 to 14: Wyatt Flynn
Best Ball Jr. 4-H: TeaganSteele
Best Overall Jr. Canner: Justus Harris
Best Ball Jr.: Justus Harris
Best Jam Collection: PhyllisCannon
Best Ball Fruit
1st: Micki Ledgerwood
2nd Phyllis Kim Neice
Best Fruit Banner Ranch:Justus Harris
Best Ball Jam 1st: Kim Neice
Best Ball Jam 2nd: MickiLedgerwood
Best Ball Vegetables
1st: Peggy Harper
2nd: Rachael Gerber
Best Banner Ranch Vegetable: Peggy Harper
Best Ball Relish or Pickles:
1st Rachael Gerber
2nd Katie Magill
Best Ball Pickles: NikkiJones
Best Eggs: Deana Caruso
Best Tasting Salsa: NikkiSmith
Best Wine 1st: Lyle Landkammer Best Wine 2nd: Judy Landkammer Best Beer 1st Tom Ruchert
Best beer 2nd Ed Crawford
Judge's Choice Award: KatieMagill
Judge's Choice Award: Cheryl Fujishin
4-H Home Economics:
Top of Class
Baking: Logan Ledgerwood
Baking: Madison Dixon
Baking: Steven Melvoen
Fine Arts: Ireland Mayfield
Jr. Crafts: Madison Dixon
Sr. Crafts:Ireland Mayfield
Photography: Mahala LaForge Sewing: Sariah Beauchamp
Best of Show Senior:RogerDumbeck
Best of Show Junior: PatrickGrimm
Large Sunflower Contest:Devin Munsterman
Best Veggie Creature: Stephanie Reisdorph
Best Veggie Basket: SimeonCrossfield
Largest of Kind Senior-Nancy Ruark
Largest of Kind Junior- Danielle Johnson
Giant Pumpkin: Emma Severs Best Scarecrow: Steven Melvoen Judge's Choice: Trace Roberts FLOWERS
Best of Horticulture Specimen: Margaret Becker
Best Gladiola: MargaretBecker
Best House Plant: MargaretBecker
Best Rose: Margaret Becker
Best Junior Flower: DelaneyMathews
Best Outdoor Plant: Margaret Becker
Best Dahlia: Sherri Ledgerwood Best Hydrangia: Jem Crossfield Best FFA Flower: Toni Cloud
Superintendents Award: Katie Magill
Best of Show: Larry Hoppe
Best Color 11x14: CatherineChalfant
Best Color 8x10: CathyMeeds
Best Color 5x7: Michel Borley Best Color 4x6: Cathy Meeds
Best Black & White: BonnieLandkammer
Best Sepia tone: EmilyRuchert
Best Photo Series: KatieMagill
Best Special Effect: LennaScoggins
Photo Contest:
Best Use of Fair Theme:
Adult: Dannielle Bingman
Junior: Naomi Scoggin
Best Flower: Catherine Chalfant Best Baby: Missy Jones
Best Animal: Michel Borley
Best Military: Alice Gwinn
Best Car: Vonnie Mulrony
Best Junior : Brandi Bundy
Best Military Service: EstherScoggin
Best Wind Turbine: MikeHastings
Adult: Best of Show: JD Brown
Best Fair Theme: Kris Klaveano Best Flower Painting: CarolWildman
Best Historical: JD Brown
Best Use of Color: CindyJohnson
Overcoming Adversity: CindyJohnson & Carol Smith
Superintendents Award: JayHenry
Adults: Top of Class
Amateur Acrylics: Kris Klaveano Professional Acrylics: JDBrown
Professional Pastels: Jay Henry
Amateur Mixed Media: CindyJohnson
Professional Mixed Media:Michal Borley
Amateur Water Color: CarolWildman
Professional Oils: Michal Borly
Amateur Oils: Linda McKiernan Amateur Pencil,Pens, Charcoal& Ink: Will Weymouth
Junior Fine Arts:
Best of Show: Brodie Magill
Top of Class:
5 to 7Acrylic: Trace Roberts
5 to 7 Watercolors: BrodieMagill
5 to 7 Pencil, Pen & Ink:Chase Caruso
5 to 7 Oil: Brodie Magill
Best all Medium: BrodieMagill
8 to 10 yrs Watercolor: Danielle Johnson
8 to 10 yrs Acrylic: ElizabethRuchert
8 to 10 yrs Charcoal, Pencil,Pen or Ink: Keely Maves
Best All Medium: KeelyMaves
11 to 13 yrs Charcoal, Pencil,Pen or Ink: Hogan Heytvelt
11 to 13 yrs Oil: HoganHeytvelt
11 to 13 yrs Water Color:Kelsey Swart
11 to 13 yrs Acrylic: AlexisKittrell
Best all Medium: HoganHeytvelt
14 to 17Watercolor: KaraManion
14 to 17Charcoal, Pencil, Penor Ink: Kara Manion
Best all Medium: Kara Manion Best Other: Devan Caruso
Special Awards:
Best Flower: Kara Manion
Best Fair Theme: ChaseCaruso
Best Use of Color: JacobTewalt
Superintendent Award: EzraJohnson
Wheat King:
1st Place: Nikki Jones
2nd Place: Reggie Waldher
3rd Place: Tom Herres
Barley King:
1st Place: Dave Ledgerwood
2nd Place: Regie Waldher
3rd Place: Bob Johnson
Baled Hay:
Best Grass Hay Mixed Grass:Slaybaugh Bros.
Best Alfalfa Hay: SlaybaughBros.
There were 9 Bales enteredthis year: 4 Grass Hay & 5Alfalfa
Waitsburg Placed 8th Overallwith 1084 points in livestockjudging
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