BERYL WITT RETIRES WAITSBURG - Beryl Witt, who has worked at the Waits- burg Grocery for more than 40 years, is retiring this Friday. The community is invited to the grocery store on Main Street to celebrate her years of service with cake from 9 to 10 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 28.
POOL FUNDING PROPOSAL WAITSBURG - City Administrator Randy Hinchliffe said at the October council meeting a pool funding option would be on the agenda. Hinchliffe says it would not be a pool tax. The idea is for the council to adopt what is known as Real Estate Excise 2 at a quarter of one percent on the sale of property in the city and use this money to help support parks and the pool. "I believe all that is required to adopt this tax is to hold a hearing and pass an ordinance," Hinchliffe added. "No vote of the citizens is required, and from what I understand, it has no referendum clause in it to where a citizen petition can overturn it should it be adopted." Hinchliffe said this tax could actually lower the regular property tax burden on the citizens of Waitsburg related to the pool because the money saved supporting parks could be used to run the pool. With what the city could receive through the new real estate excise tax, the admission fees, and other pool-related money, he said this amount would come close to covering the cost to run the pool for the season.
LAUREN BROOM EARNS PHD WAITABURG -- Lauren Broom, formerly of Richland and Waitsburg, has been awarded the degree of Doctor of Pharmacology by the School of Biomedical Sciences, Kings College, London. She is the daughter of Gayle and Jeff Broom. She and her husband, Otto Bjortomt live in Lund, Sweden, where Lauren is doing post-doctorate research focusing on Parkinson's Disease.
YOUNG LIFE DESSERT BANQUET DAYTON - Dayton's annual Young Life dessert banquet and fundraiser will be Sunday, Sept. 30, at 4:00 pm at the Running T Ranch. This will be a fun opportunity to learn about Young Life and how it enhances the spiritual growth of our Dayton High School students, as well as experiencing inspiring fellowship and free pie and ice cream. The guest speaker, State Representative, Kevin Parker will share his experience during the Columbine tragedy as a Young Life leader. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. To save a seat please contact Marne Henderson at 509-386-2365 or Debbie Bruegman at 509-520-0530.
CHILDREN'S GRIEF SUPPORT WALLA WALLA -- A one-day event will be held Satur- day, Oct.6. The group will meet from 10:30 am - 2:30 pm at the YMCA. The one day event will be followed by a series of classes that on Oct. 11 and 25, and Nov. 8 and 20. The group will meet from 5:30 - 7 p.m. and a light meal is included. The sessions will allow a safe atmosphere to process and express their thoughts and feelings through artwork, dance and move- ment, music, and pet therapy. Activities and discussion will be led by the hospice bereavement team. Both programs are ap- propriate for children age 6 to 12 who are grieving the death of a loved one. There is no charge, but parents are asked to register by calling the hospice office at 525-5561 or by email to before Oct. 1. Enrollment is limited.
FIRST THURSDAY CONCERT WALLA WALLA -- The Oct. 4 First Thursday concert will be held from 12:15-12:50 St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 323 Catherine St., Walla Walla. The Rhapsody Trio with Tim Brown, cellist, Roger Garcia, clarinetist, and Laura Curtis, pianist, will be performing works of Brahms and Bruch. The concert is free, but donations are greatly appreci- ated and will be given to the Walla Walla Music Boosters, the charity of the performers' choice. Bring your lunch, a friend and enjoy the music. For more information call: Tanya Hunker, 529-1083.
GROUNDBREAKING FOR FRENCHTOWN WALLA WALLA -- The Frenchtown Historical Founda- tion will be holding a groundbreaking ceremony for the new shelter at the Frenchtown Historic Site west of Walla Walla at noon on Thursday, Sept. 6. The $100,000 project is being funded with a $50,000 grant from the Sherwood Trust, a $10,000 grant from the Wildhorse Foundation, a $5000 grant from the Bald Trust, and a variety of other local grants and business and individual contributions. The new shelter will be in the style of French Canadian log cabins, and will provide covered space for interpretive gatherings, equipment storage, restrooms, and displays. The Frenchtown Historic Site is open daily from sunrise to sunset with no admission charge. For directions, and other detailed information regarding the site, go to www.french-, email, or call 509-629-0044.
WALLA WALLA -- The results are in from the recent Drive Hammered, Get Nailed enforcement campaign con- ducted from Aug. 17 through Sept. 3. In Walla Walla, Asotin and Garfield Counties, 22 motorists were stopped and ar- rested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI), and statewide, law enforcement officers arrested 1,603 drivers for DUI. Last year in Walla Walla, Asotin and Garfield Counties, during the same time period, officers on routine and extra patrols arrested 30 people for DUI. In Walla Walla, Asotin and Garfield Counties, the Clarkston and Walla Walla Police Departments, the Garfield County Sheriff's Of- fice and the Washington State Patrol participated in the extra DUI patrols, with the support of the Walla Walla County Traffic Safety Task Force. These patrols are im- portant because August is ParaNorman one of the deadliest months on Washington's roadways. For additional information about the Washington Traf- fic Safety Commission, Coming Soon visit Hope Springs
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