Walla Walla County Board of Commisioners
When: Monday October 1, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS -Allen Kopf, spoke on behalf of the library users Coalition, in response to the Commissioners' let- ter regarding removal of the Rural Library District Board of Trustees. He read the letter into record. -Caryl Clifton, Informa- tion re Carmella Addition and what she felt was a scam against Walla Walla County by developer Doug Majerus and tyler Morris. INTRODUCTION TO NEW EMPLOYEES: Vicki Davis, Health De- partment, introduced Janene Michaels and Tony Delgado. County Trea- surer Chief Deputy Debbie Bennett and County Trea- surer Gordon Heimbigner introduced new employee Lisa Stober. MOTIONS: 1) Approval of the Commissioners consent agenda items, the minutes; Approving out of state travel for Jay winter; approving out of state travel for Human Services Department employee; appointments to the Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days Board of Directors; warrants;. 2) Approve an agreement for collection Services for the Walla Walla County Sheriff's office as requested by the County Sheriff. 3)Approve proposal 2012 10-01 Fair, approval for funds to be expended from the County Lodging Tax proceeds in the amount $7,500 for the Orchard Street project, as requested by the fair- grounds manager. 4) Ap- prove Public Works De- partment's consent agenda item , use of County roads for the Walla Walla Crush Walk/Fun Run, as listed on the agenda and referenced. 5) Approve Proposal 2012 09- 24 Personnel/ Risk manager, as rescheduled, approving execution of an employment Screening service Agreement with AIRFACTZ Screening and reporting Services, as recommended by the County's personnel/risk management consultant. 6) Approve a Clinical Services Agreement be- tween Walla Walla County Juvenile Justice Center and Providence Health & Services - Washington DBA Providence Medical Group Walla Walla, as requested by the Juvenile Justice Center Director Commissioner District 2: Perry L Dozier made motions, Commissioner District 1: James K Johnson seconded; Commissioner District 2: Perry L Dozier approved; Commissioner District 1: James K Johnson approved; Commis- sioner District 3 Chair: Gregory A Tomkins absent
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