WAITSBURG - After 40 years of working at the Waitsburg Grocery Store on Main Street, Beryl Witt is retiring.
Witt, 74, also known lov- ingly in the store as "Berylie Buns" and " Beryl- ie Bird" was showered with hugs, praise and memories last Friday at the store. Grocery store patrons enjoyed cake and told Witt the store would be a different place without her.
"The Waitsburg Grocery is not going to be the same," co-owner Trina Cole said.
Witt said she moved to Waitsburg in 1948. She held down various jobs in town and worked in the cannery. All three of her children, now grow, Carol, Tony and Patty, attended Waitsburg schools.
About 40 years ago, she began working at the gro- cery store part-time. And her reason for seeking employment at the store was all about the short commute.
"I didn't want to drive out of town," Witt said matter-of-factly.
She first worked for own- ers Jim Helm and Sandy Lightfoot, and for the last 26 years, she has worked for the Cole family.
The store hasn't changed much in 40 years, she said. The biggest change was when it expanded into the former variety store next door. The store keeps up with the town, which also looks similar to Witt as it did 40 years ago.
"The town hasn't changed much," she added.
Witt kept working at the grocery store because she is a "hometown person." She said her family kept her in Waitsburg and vice versa. Her sister lives in nearby Dixie.
And the best part of the job, in Witt's opinion, was the people she would see and meet every day. She also has a passion for stocking shelves. And Witt is very clear on what she does not like. She does not like it when customers visit the store and say they can purchase items at a cheaper cost in Walla Walla.
"Walla Walla has the sales," Witt said as an ex- planation.
But, Witt shops in the grocery store. As an em- ployee, she said she even got a bit of a discount.
She will miss her coworkers who have been "really good to work with" and Danny Cole's jokes and comments.
"He tells me how old I am," she said with a laugh.
She said he is good to work for, friendly and she's never seen him angry.
In fact, her nicknames come from Danny Cole. He remembers she dated a cowboy-type of man years ago who once walked into the store and referred to her lovingly as "Beryl-ie Buns."
"It stuck," he said with a laugh. "I wasn't going to miss that for nothing!"
In her retirement, "Ber- yl-ie Buns" said she really doesn't know how she will spend her time. She said her 30-acre farm has a lot of weeds that need to be pulled. Her sister likes to travel and that may become an option.
"We might go on some kind of a trip," Witt said. "But I don't have any plans."
Danny Cole said he will be feeling Witt's absence. He said she has been an amazing employee with a phenomenal work ethic. She's the kind of person who never calls in sick, he added.
"She is the most dedicated employee," he said.
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