Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


OCTOBOER FALL FINALE DAYTON - This weekend will be the 9th Annual OctoBoer Fall Finale at the Columbia County Fair- grounds in Dayton. This is a American Boer Goat Association recognized breed show for Boer Goats. Exhibitors come from across Washington, Oregon and Idaho, including some national champions from Touchet. Previously the show had been held in Walla Walla, but occasionally the weather made for not so nice show conditions in the open sheep barn. The show runs Oct. 6 and 7, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. both days.

FULLERTON IS JR. MISS RODEO WA DAYTON -- Josilyn Fullerton of Dayton was crowned the new 2013 Jr. Miss Rodeo Washington during the Moses Lake Round-Up in August. Josilyn is 13 and attends Dayton Middle School. Her parents are Greg and Nikki Fullerton and her grandparents are Barbara Fullerton of Dayton, and Joe and Jane Kassuba from Kennewick. Fullerton is a 6-year member of the Upper Whetstone Fleecers and is a member of Pioneer Posse, Eastern Washington Junior Rodeo Association and Valley Girls Barrel Racing Association. During the pageant in August, Fullerton was judged on personal- ity, horsemanship, knowledge, interview, impromptu questions, appearance, congeniality, photogenics, sales, volunteerism and modeling. Josilyn won seven of the 11 awards presented at the pageant. She was presented with a 2013 Jr. Miss Rodeo Washington belt buckle, a halter, a hat box, headstall with reins, saddle blanket and numerous other items.

MCCAW WINS PRIZE PRESCOTT - Martin McCaw, author of short sto- ries, recently learned from Tim Johnston, publisher of "Short Story America" that his story "Sara's Wreath" won second prize $500 in the Short Story America Prize for Short Fiction. This is the story he wrote for two friends who had told him about their husband and father, who was a "sidehill cowboy" in the Blue Mountains.

DAYTON CITY COUNCIL DAYTON - The next Dayton City Council meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 8. The council will not break in observation of Columbus Day.

DAYTON ON TOUR DAYTON - The annual multi-event Dayton on Tour will take place on Saturday, Oct. 6 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be events for all ages including the Fall Festival, art showcases and the historic home tour. For more information, visit

BIKE RALLY DAYTON - Dayton's David MacNall is hosting a bike rally from 1 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24 at the Columbia County Fairgrounds in Dayton. MacNall, a 62-year-old polio survivor, will be looking at bikes and sponsors for his cross-country trip to raise money for the Dayton Food Bank and Project Timothy.

KITCHEN TOUR TICKETS WAITSBURG - The Times office in Waitsburg has six tickets to the Kitchen Tour that benefits the Ameri- can Association of University Women. The tour is from noon to 5 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 7. The tickets are $20 each at the office.

CANDIDATES AT LIBERTY THEATER DAYTON -- The Dayton Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) is once again sponsoring a Candidates Forum at Dayton's Liberty Theater. Candidates for the 2012 general elec- tion will be on site on Wednesday, October 10 to meet voters and answer questions. The forum begins at 7:00 PM. For more information on this and other Liberty Theater programs, call (509) 382-1380 or email us at


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