Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Statement From The Ministerial Association

Statement Concerning

Domestic Violence andSexual Assault

In observance of Do- mestic Violence Awareness Month each October, we, as pastors and church leaders in the Touchet Valley, recognize the presence of domestic violence and sexual assault in our communities; and the economic, social, and spiritual costs to persons and families.

We recognize that do- mestic violence refers to a pattern of violent and/ or manipulative behavior exercised by one adult in an intimate relationship over another, and may include physical, sexual and psychological forms of abuse; and that sexual assault refers to forced or manipulated sexual acts by one person in a position of power over another. We ac- knowledge that the Scrip- tures and the Christian Tra- dition have been misused to perpetuate and condone these forms of abuse.

We believe these acts of violence are violations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which commands us to love God with our whole heart and our neighbors as ourselves; and that they are biblically, theologically and morally unjustifiable. We believe in healthy families and in a healthy community, characterized by respect and safety for the lives of all persons.

We will therefore pro- mote and endeavor to model healthy, loving relation- ships, marriage and fami- lies. To that end we will oppose and openly stand against all forms of abuse, intimidation and violence in families. We will endeavor to remain true to the Gospel of Christ by addressing misuse of the Scriptures and drawing upon them to help make our families and societies whole.

Furthermore, we affirm our support for victims of sexual and other forms of violence, especially women and children in our commu- nities. We pledge to assist in their care and healing when- ever possible; to assure that our churches are safe places for all people, especially those who are defenseless; and to work toward and support all efforts at build- ing healthy families and a healthier community.

DeWayne Ramsey, Commu-

nity Bible Church, Dayton

Greg Bye, Redeemer Lu-

theran Church, Dayton

Mike Ferrians, ChristianChurch of Waitsburg

Bret Moser, First Presbyte-

rian Church, Waitsburg

Jim Edwards, First ChristianChurch, Dayton

Tony Sykes, Harvest Church,Dayton

Mike Krutsch, Prescott Com-

munity Church

Dave McIlroy, StarbuckCommunity Church

Bill Peck, First United Meth-

odist Church, Dayton

Ben Compton, Blue Mt. As-

sembly of God, Dayton

Fr. Robert Turner, St. Joseph/

St. Mark Catholic Church


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