Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

To The Editor,

The summers of my junior high and high school years, my father would take me to work and pay me to file bills of lading and, tentatively, I would practice my newly learned typing skills on judiciously selected correspondence.

The highlight of these workdays with my father, were lunches with the Chamber of Commerce and committee meetings, where I witnessed local business owners and managers of businesses networking. I learned to ap- preciate the salesmanship and stewardship involved in many businesses

When I started my own business, I used much of my father's advice; the best of which was, "Daughter, the first business check you write, should be to your Chamber of Commerce. It will be the most valuable check you write, your best return on investment." That Chamber of Commerce check has always paid me back in many valu- able ways.

I have written checks to many Chambers, one Visitor Bureau, and several economic development councils. The last 4 years, I have written my Chamber check to the Waitsburg Commercial Club, which is our "one-of-a-kind" Chamber of Commerce.

The Waitsburg Commer- cial Club has not let me down; it has inspired and nurtured my business while provid- ing a forum for community development and conversa- tion. I have witnessed my money join other community members to fund many events and causes; band uniforms for Waitsburg students, Parade Waitsburg, Hometown Christ- mas, Salmon Feed, Citywide Cleanup, White Lights on Business rooftops, signage at entrances to Waitsburg, Citizen recognition, Easter egg hunt, and many other worthwhile causes that con- tribute to a successful business community.

Please join me and the members of the Waitsburg Commercial Club as we ex- pand our Board of Directors to allow for a more diverse sched- ule of meetings for business and community conversations.

A yearly membership for businesses is only $25, social memberships are $10 per person. The Waitsburg Com- mercial Club is a registered 501c6 Washington State Cor- poration. While I know these dues dollars come from a business's profits and business owners' take home pay, I hope you will recognize the same bargain and great return on your investment in the Waits- burg Community that I have experienced.

General Membership meetings are on the first and third Tuesdays, September through May, at Waitsburg Town Hall. Board of Direc- tors meetings will be announced; current expectations are that we will meet once a quarter, during the day, at vari- ous locations.

Please contact me or one of the current members of the Commercial Club board with questions or to have us pick up your membership check. The Commercial Club address is POB 451, Waitsburg 99361.

Joy Smith, President, Waitsburg Commercial Club

Hugs, Gifts and Collect- ibles, 109 Main St, Waitsburg

509 539 8773, email joyo-, or face- book


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