Personal Statement By Rep. Terry Nealey
Leadership has three dimensions needed to prove effectiveness. A leader must first have a vision and a plan. He needs to have a desire to reach objectives helpful to a broad community rather than to success of just one individual.
These objectives must be reasonable and reachable. They can't be too grandiose to be attained, nor too shallow to make them unworthy. Finally, a leader must be able to pass on his vision to others, in- spire them to accomplishments and let them share in a job worthwhile and well done. A look at my leadership points indicates that I embody the best attributes of a good leader. I established the Dayton Economic Development committee and continue to chair the effort.
I have been a member of the Dayton Kiwanis for more 33 years, named as Kiwanian of the year and have served on the board and as president. I am a past president of Dayton Chamber of Commerce and was an active member of the task force that restored the historic Columbia County Court House. I also served as a board member of Blue Mountain Community Foundation to create a Dayton Founda- tion with an endowment of nearly $1 million.
In the past, I have been active in coaching athletic teams as well as leading efforts to install field lights and a safe bridge connecting sports venues with the campus.
My leadership experi- ence is a valuable asset in representing the interests of District 16 in the Wash- ington State Legislature. I feel that I bring the needed mix of team player and innovationist. I also promise to help bring a new era of fiscal responsibility to Olympia.
Believing who we are affects, and should affect, what we do and the decisions we make. I feel it is important to give you insight into who I am and why - and the impact it will have upon decisions that I will make when elected to serve my constituency. The basic principles of justice, truth, and faith are important to me and my decision making.
I made a conscious decision to follow Jesus Christ and His values and principles as an adult. That single decision has transformed my life and helped me to be purposeful and intentional, defining who I am. I have discovered God wants to be a part of my everyday life and His Word helps me understand how to navigate challenges in life, culture, and society.
I believe our govern- ment needs people of faith serving in leadership throughout our community and country.
I believe all life is im- portant - from the very youngest to the oldest.
I believe our traditional values of marriage be- tween a man and a woman should be supported and maintained.
I believe in mentoring and influencing others, and have spent over 10 years investing in the lives of Jr. High and High School students through a ministry called Young Life.
I believe that good leg- islation and the resulting laws and regulations should be formed from a strong and moral base, thus providing the high- est and best good for all the people these laws and regulations serve.
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