I am writing in support of Mike Talbott's bid to be elected for Position 2 of the Colum- bia County Commissioners. As manager of the Columbia County Grain Growers, I have worked with Mike on the Board of Directors of the Grain Growers since 2006, where he recently completed his last term as president of the association. While Mike was on the board, the Grain Growers completed two major capital projects which required extensive con- sideration by the board. Mike was involved in prioritizing selected capital improvements based on merit and company needs while seeing that selected projects were within the company's financial strength while ensuring the availability of adequate financial resources. Mike always had his "company hat" on while making these decisions and also when involved in establishing company policies, setting objectives and overseeing management's administration of the business operations of the company. He is accustomed to monitoring monthly and yearly financial statements, practicing financial oversight, risk assessment and performance reviews.
I feel these qualities are highly desirable in a county commissioner and would greatly benefit the residents of Columbia County to assure we are represented by a financially knowledgeable and responsible commissioner. Mike Talbott will make sound decisions based on merit and the collective needs for all residents of the county.
Thank you,
Mitchell W. Payne
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