Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Bryan Petty to Mindy Morris on


Tyson Kaup to Jocqueline Cheever on


Virgen Diaz to Maribella Vargas-En-

riquez on 9/07/2012

Ari Lopez-Munoz to Amber Webb on


Luis Meza-Perez to Laura Rodriguez

Perez on 9/01/2012

John Lamb to Helen Freer on 9/08/2012

Dustin Chantel to Maria Hellwig on9/09/2012

Scott Potter to Maria Melgoza on9/08/2012

Vecente Romero Villapondo to Wendy

Castillo Perez on 9/09/2012

Abel Ureno to Ana Garcia Villagomez

on 9/08/2012

Douglas Berry to Laura Prince on9/08/2012

Ricky Huxoll to Patricia Lopez on


Travis Defilippo to Faith Volkers on9/08/2012

William Craffey Jr to Carissa Ghan on


Michael Dewey to Serena Aufderharon 9/02/2012

Cody King to Lindsay Buller on


Matthew Gaffrey to heather Hardingon 9/01/2012

Armando Garcia to Mariana MiramontesLares on 9/13/2012

Theodore McKinney to Christine Rob-

erts on 9/15/2012

James Oblisk to Renee Anderson on9/08/2012

Zachary Hyndman to Jennifer Gouletteron 9/15/2012

Jaime Arellano Sandoval to MelissaLocati on 9/08/2012

Jace Sargent to Jessica Davis on9/14/2012

Ryan Terry to Monica Emery on9/17/2012

Alberto Sierra Carlos to Brittany Hansonon 9/17/2012

Jonathan Maland to Merrylou Keyes

on 9/13/2012

Jeffrey Harwood to Hailey Bohnet on9/08/2012

Wyatt Withers to Amanda Arceo on8/18/2012

Dmitriy Gorshenin Sergey to Alexandra

Pelz on 9/15/2012

Glen Gruner to Sibyl Lundy on 9/15/2012

Vincent McClure to Angela Macario on


Lance Lybecker to Brittany Harman on


James Soule to Heather Reeves on9/21/2012

Michael Kiefaber to Bridget Pedersenon 9/22/2012

Jeramy Drake to Stephanie Paulson

on 9/22/2012

Cody Maine to Brittany Joice on9/23/2012

Bjon Thompson to Jaime Lindermanon 9/24/2012

Rodney Viaene to Angela Viaene on9/22/2012

Guadalupe Jose Cortez III to Victori-

anna Rivas on 9/23/2012

Tyler Hall to Charlee Ruchert on9/22/2012

Samuel Dixon to Darcy Garcia on9/22/2012

Eric Flowers to Kylie Durfee on9/15/2012

Brian Lee to Carla Gehl on 9/08/2012

Andrew Johnson to Victoria Wolff on9/22/2012

Francisco Gonzalez to Maria Garcia

on 9/22/2012

Mathew Montgomery to Tiffany Cobbon 9/22/2012


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