YOUR TRAVEL GUIDE IS HERE! WAITSBURG -- The Touchet Valley Travel Guide for fall and winter 2012-13 is being circulated in the com- munity. This free publication includes listings for all of the restaurants, lodging, activities and fun winter events in the Touchet Valley area. If you would like to carry our free guide in your business, give us a call at 509-337-6631.
SWEET ADELINES IN CONCERT WAITSBURG -- Please join the Sweet Adelines for an exciting evening of entertainment for the entire family. The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 26 and Saturday, Oct. 27 at the Walla Walla Community College Performing Arts Center. Locals appearing in the show are Margaret Terry, Jan Nealey, Marilyn Johnson, Vanessa Leamy and Barb Knopp. In addition to the Blue Mountain Chorus and quartets, and crowd-pleasing entertainer Kevin Loomer, we are hap- py to welcome some of the Walla Walla Valley's talented younger performers - Amber Randall, Chloe Pearson, Daisy Schoen, Elena Janis, Cougar Henderson, Nathan Loomer, Michael Dandrea and Brad Willcuts. George Ko- vach is the accompanist. Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for seniors and students. They are available from Book and Game, from the Whit- man College Bookstore, and from Blue Mountain Chorus members. You may also order tickets on line at http://blue-, or access the link on our home page at . Tickets will also be available at the door, but seating is limited.
BUSINESS CLASSES DAYTON -- Interested in starting a business, but unsure what steps to take? Find what you are looking for to help improve your business or get one started by attending the upcoming BEST sessions in your community! These top- ics and more will be addressed by industry professionals in free workshops beginning in October. Starting a Business in Washington will be on Wednesday, Oct. 17 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Columbia REA Board Room. Shoe Box Ac- counting will be on Monday, Oct. 25 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Columbia REA Board Room. These sessions are open to the public, but limited to the space available. Please call the Dayton Chamber of Commerce at 509-382-4825 to reserve a space.
CASTING CALL FOR 'ROAD SHOW' WALLA WALLA -- The Walla Walla Valley Chamber of Commerce has launched what they call the Chambers Works Project, which is a broad development effort. One of their initiatives was to develop their Creative Economy. In doing so the Chamber has formed the Walla Walla Film Office. They will promote in the area as a film location and provide assistance to film makers. On Oct. 23, from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Power House Theater, 111 North 6th Ave., Walla Walla, the Walla Walla Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Walla Walla Film Office will holding an open casting call for the television series "Road Show," which is featured on the AMC cable network. This oppor- tunity is for all ages 18 and over, for those of you who are committed to your art and passionate about your craft. Any and all talents qualify.
POLITICAL FORUM WALLA WALLA - A political forum will be held at 7 p.m., Monday, Oct. 29, at the Reid Center Ballroom at Whitman College. In the spirit of the electoral season, and with an eye to improving political discourse, the Walla Walla Diversity Coalition is pleased to announce that the theme of this October's Freedom From Discrimination Month is respect for civil discourse amid diverse political thought. The coalition, in cooperation with Whitman Col- lege's Intercultural Center and the Walla Walla Union- Bulletin, invites the public to a panel discussion promoting and discussing polite politics, "The Future of American Politics: Civility vs. Gridlock." Dr. Steve Rubin, chair of the coalition, will moderate a guest panel including local representatives from various political persuasions. Before the discussion, Professor David Schmitz, Chairman of History at Whitman College, will deliver a brief history of U.S. political parties. This is not a debate. Following the discussion, refreshments will be provided as well as an op- portunity for audience members to carry on the conversa- tion with panelists. This event is free and open to the public.
BOOK SIGNING WALLA WALLA -- Seattle-area author Steve Wells will hold two book-signing events in Walla Walla in early November to promote his recently published second book and his first novel, "Killer Cuvee," about a Walla Walla winemaker whose life is derailed by a murder he didn't commit. Wells is a winemaker himself as well as a writer, having worked at DeLille Cellars in Woodinville, and other wineries in the Seattle area. Previously, he spent two decades in high technology, including nine years at Microsoft, where he was a software engineer, manager and director. Wells will hold a book signing and wine tasting on Wednesday, Nov. 7, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Wild Walla Walla Wine Woman, 19 North Second Ave.
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