Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago October 17, 2002

Sunday night was a smoky one for Waitsburg as three haystacks at the eastern city limits went up in flames, and a lot of smoke, which settled in the valley on the clear, calm night. The haystacks, about half straw and half hay, were accidently ignited by an errant spark form construction work being performed nearby. Damages was estimated to be about $16,000 for the roughly 3,000 bales of uninsured straw and a like amount of hay bales, including barley, oat and alfalfa hay.

Twenty-Five Years Ago October 18, 1987

The Waitsburg Lions will again sponsor an early morning Hunters' Breakfast in the American Le- gion Banquet Rooms on Main Street. Date is Saturday, Oct. 17, 1987 from 4 to 9 a.m. The Lions, a group well known for hearty foods, will have pan- cake, eggs and ham with milk or coffee to drink. All you can eat for only $3.50. Everyone in town is invited to attend this special breakfast, and if you don't get up quite that early, the place will be open until 9 a.m. for the late-comers and bird hunters.

Fifty Years Ago October 19, 1962

The Waitsburg City Council decided Wednes- day night to delay the seeding of grass in the new area of the City Cemetery until spring.

Waitsburg High School boys are enjoying the new facilities in the vocational agriculture machine shop, which has been built as an extension to the present high school building.

Heavy wind and rain caused damage to the Waitsburg television cable to the extent of $1,500, discontinuing the cable service until parts can be replaced. Electric service was intermittent Friday night.

Seventy-Five Years Ago October 22, 1937

The barns at the race track seem to be filing up with a fine bunch of promising young horses for the winter training on our splendid half-mile course.

Mrs. Mollie Pettichord was honored with a din- ner Sunday at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Ted Bachmann, it being her eighty-fifth birthday.

The stores all closed during the Pomeroy-Wait- Hi football game last Friday and there was a fine attendance at the game. Exceptionally clean game, but one penalty being called during the entire pe- riod.

One Hundred Years Ago October 18, 1912

The County Commissioners have ordered the printing of a large number of circulars to be posted through the county and offering $100 reward for the conviction of "bootleggers." The notices will be distributed freely in Waitsburg, Prescott and Touchet, which places the complaints were re- ceived.

The straw vote for president, which has been in progress at the Allen Grocery for the past two weeks, closed last Saturday night. A total of 207 votes were cast. The result as given out being Wil- son 106; Roosevelt 55; Taft 30; Debs 16.

Quite a large delegation from Naomi Rebekah Lodge attended the District Convention of the Re- bekah Order at Dixie Thursday.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago October 21, 1887

The O.R.&N. pay car passed up and down the road last Monday distributing among employees that the love of which is the root of all evil.

There is strong talk among the Odd Fellows of this city of building a large two-story brick on their Main Street lot yet this fall. Hope it will not end in talk.

Whitman College now has 152 pupils enrolled. Dr. Anderson, now East, has forwarded a check for $1,000 to be added to the endowment fund.

Our street sprinkler was last Monday laid off for this season. It did its work faithfully and well, and is entitled to a lay-off.

Her many friends here will rejoice to learn that Mrs. S.H. Erwin of Prescott is considerably improved, and that hopes are now entertained for her complete recovery.


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