Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Hewitt Has A Long Business Background

Biography of Sen. Mike Hewitt

Elected to the state Senate in 2000, 2004 and 2008, Senator Mike Hewitt rep- resents Washington's 16th Legislative District, a com- munity he has been connected to for a lifetime. Senator Hewitt's peers elected him to serve as Senate Republican Leader in 2005, a position he has held since that time. Prior to serving as leader Hewitt served as Senate Republi- can Whip, Majority Whip and Republican Assistant Whip.

Senator Hewitt serves on several standing Senate committees. He is a member of the Ways and Means (bud- get) Committee and the Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection Committee. He is also the lead Republican on the Rules Committee, a group that decides which bills make it to the Senate floor and potentially go on to become law.

Senator Hewitt's experi- ence as a small business owner for 23 years serves as an excellent foundation for his work on business and economic development is- sues. He is a member of the Legislative Committee on Economic Development, the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Trade Policy, and the Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB).

Senator Hewitt is also a former chairman of the Walla Walla Planning Com- mission and has received the Association of Wash- ington Business's "Cor- nerstone" award and the Washington Association of Small Business Incubators' Small Business Advocate of the Year award. In 2009, Senator Hewitt received the highest honor bestowed on legislators by the As- sociation of Washington Business - the Jim Matson Award for "demonstrating time and again his first- hand understanding of the challenges faced by Wash- ington employers."

Senator Hewitt also has a passion for veterans' issues, In 2007 and 2008 he sponsored bills to allow family members of fallen and dis- abled veterans to attend col- lege tuition-free, and recently received the Glenn Galbreath Spirit Award from the North- west Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans.

Senator Hewitt also works closely with the Hispanic Community and has received the Dr. Pedro Celis FUERZA award.

When the Legislature is not in session, Senator Hewitt resides in Walla Walla with his wife Cory, who man- ages the county fairgrounds.

Legislative Leadership: Senate Republican Leader, 2005-12; Senate Republican Whip, 2005; Majority Whip, 2003-04; Republican Assis- tant Whip, 2001-02.

Elective Office: Senate 2000, 2004, 2008, current term expires January 2013.

Standing Committees: Rules, Ranking Republican Member; Ways and Means; Labor, Commerce and Con- sumer Protection.

Special Committees: Legislative Committee on Economic Development and International Relations; Joint Legislative Oversight Com- mittee on Trade Policy; Com- munity Economic Revital- ization Board (CERB); Senate Facilities & Operations Committee; Economic and Revenue Forecast Council; Caseload Forecast Council; former member, Washington Tourism Commission.

Occupation: Legislator.

Professional Activities: Small business owner for 23 years; Former Chairman, Walla Walla Planning Com- mission; advocate for small business issues.

Awards and Hon- ors: Six-time winner of the National Federation of Independent Business "Guardian of Small Business" award; Washington Council of Police and Sher- iff's 2008 Legislator of the Year; Northwest Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans' Glenn Galbreath Spirit Award; Association of Washington Business "Cornerstone" award; Dr. Pedro Celis FUERZA Award; Capitol Land Trust "Preserving our Precious Places" award; Washington State Coalition for the Homeless Outstanding Support award; Wash- ington Association of Small Business Incubators' Small Business Advocate of the Year; Washington Wine In- stitute Award; Washington State Low-Income Alli- ance Outstanding Support award; Tri-Cities' Cinco de Mayo Committee Amigo award; Washington Farm Bureau's Legislator of the Year and Exceptional Ser- vice to the Agricultural Community award; Ex- ceptional nominee, Small Business Administration's Small Businessman of the Year.

Civic Activities: Walla Walla Adult Day Care Advi- sory Committee; Elks; United Way; YMCA; State Peni- tentiary Citizen Advisory Council; Walla Walla Valley Medical Board of Directors, member 7 years, president 3 years; Walla Walla Rotary Club, member, past President (1995).

Personal: Senator Hewitt owned and operated Hewitt Distributing for 23 years. He and his wife Cory have two grown sons. He enjoys fly fishing, golfing and whitewa- ter rafting.


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