I wasn't surprised to learn the Union-Bulletin's en- dorsement of Johnson, Dozier, and Walsh. After all, the U-B rarely endorses anyone other than the incumbent.
But I continue to be disappointed with the U-B's lack of fairness or actual reporting of the candidates' strengths. The U-B indicated that Walsh's opponent, Mary Ruth Edwards, had "no pub- lic service" yet she is a public school teacher and served this country as a Marine. The U-B criticized Mark Spinks for wanting to micromanage the budget, yet couldn't have the arrest of former Under- sheriff Lepiane been avoided had the Commissioners spent a little more time examining the budget and noticed that monies were disappearing right before their eyes. They then acknowledge that they'll be getting a "full-time" com- missioner with Johnson and completely disregard that that they'll be getting that with Spinks and Blackman. Rather they point out that Blackman's claim against Dozier is "misleading and unfair". No it's not.
It's absolutely true. Dozi- er spends more time at home and with his farm then he does as a county commissioner. Those who serve on committees know that to be a very true statement. The UB has mislead the people of Walla Walla County. Maybe this is their way to encourage readership in this "hot" race.
Maybe they don't want to lose business with Dozier in his spending of thousands of dollars on advertising. Don't be fooled. Be an informed voter and let your vote be heard.
Tom Jones
Walla Walla
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