Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

To the Editor,

It's time to send someone to Congress from the 5th District who has richer and more varied life experience than the incum- bent, who is a career politician.

Rich earned the rank of Eagle Scout in his youth and qualified for a pilot's license in high school.

Rich Cowan worked his way through WSU by living in the Fire Station and working as a fireman and EMT.

After receiving his BA and MS, he worked for KHQ-TV in Spokane for ten years. Then, in 1990 he took a big risk by starting the film production company North x Northwest which has made over 45 fea- ture films on location in our area. This highly successful company has brought many jobs and million of dollars into the region.

Our incumbent Representative is a career politician who is successfully climbing the ladder in the leadership of the House Republican Party. She is doing so by slavishly voting the party line, whether or not that is good for her constituents.

The Walla Walla Union- Bulletin endorsed Rich Cowan because they believe he will work to fix the broken Congress by really reaching across the aisle. The UB noted that Mc- Morris Rodgers "isn't able to compromise on major national issues."

She publicly forgot, and was publicly reminded, that she voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Act, which con- cerned equal pay for equal work for women. In a debate with Rich Cowan she went on and on about the need for more transparency in political cam- paign finance. Rich Cowan reminded her she had voted against the Disclosure Act. She voted to nearly double interest on student loans. Why didn't she join other farm state mem- bers of the House in bringing the Farm Bill to a vote on the floor? Why would she vote against women, disclosure in campaign financing, students, and farmers, among many other groups in society? The answer is that the leadership tells her how to vote and like a good soldier she follows orders 97% of the time. Independent thought is not one of her strong points.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers seems to be a nice person. She doesn't dodge questions that she know will be very unfriendly, which is to her credit. However, she doesn't give direct answers to these questions.

Rich Cowan promises to keep the needs of the citizens in the 5th Congressional District foremost in his mind. He likes people. He listens to people. He wants to do what most benefits the people of the 5th Congressional District. He has already had a successful career. Please cast your vote for Rich Cowan.

Norm Osterman

Walla Walla


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