For decades, Walla Walla County has been an agricultural economic based community and history has shown when agriculture is successful, the rest of our community benefits by cir- culating those dollars, over and over. Agriculture, in the broad sense, is the third highest employer in Walla Walla County and the second larg- est employer in Washington State.
It is logical that the Walla Walla County Board of Com- missioners should have a member that is not only acutely aware of the issues relating to that specific eco- nomic base in our community, but possess good overall knowledge of the issues and composition of the county.
Perry Dozier, the only member of the county com- mission with in-depth agricultural experience, is a voting member of many local and state ag-related boards and commissions. This participation gives other producers in our county a voice on more than a local level. These boards have awarded grants to many of our local farmers to assist in salmon recovery, protec- tion and restoration of water rights and streams, to name a few examples. In addition, many social service agencies in the valley have benefited from the generosity of these boards and commissions as well.
His opponent in this election has alluded to the fact that he may personally benefi t from decisions of these boards/commissions or may not be impartial when casting a vote. I believe this to be a very narrow-minded argument and I, personally, want someone with in-depth knowledge of the industry representing our community and our growers. Perry's character and integrity would prevent him from casting a vote based on a benefit only to him.
A commissioner should have a broad view of the overall demographics of the county and should not be a one or two agenda member of the commission and for that reason I am supporting Perry's re-election.
Dick Hanson
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