Chris Blackman is best candidate for Commissioner
I would like to express my support for Chris Blackman's campaign to become County Commissioner for District #2 and give my reasons why:
Chris has a diverse back- ground and education. When I first met her she was em- ployed by Washington State Division of Children's Ser- vices, more commonly referred to as Child Protective Services. She handled everything from families in poverty to families suffering from abuse or drug addiction. I was immediately impressed with her tenacity, energy, and strong work ethic.
From there Chris moved into the school counseling field, helping children and families deal with issues that impacted their ability to receive an education and become successful adults. After that, Chris moved into Special Education teaching, again helping children and young adults attain their high school diplomas and work toward becoming successful adults.
Working in State bureau- cracies isn't easy. Often met with red tape, limited resources, and excuses, Chris learned to navigate the sys- tem always advocating for those she served. She learned how to stretch a dollar and think of ways to work smarter. That experience gave Chris the benefit of understand- ing local issues affecting the citizens of Walla Walla County and how to ensure that services reached the right population. It also gave her the knowledge of how to understand and apply very complex rules and laws. Chris has learned a lot about how different divisions of govern- ment oversee different areas of responsibility and how they work with one another toward the common goal of serv- ing the people. This diverse background is what sets Chris apart from her opponent.
Chris is a great team member and team leader. She is innovative and very intelligent. She is an independent thinker, but listens to all sides of an issue. She's not afraid to ask tough, pertinent questions, so that decisions are sound and logical. Her energy is endless and she'll give all of that energy to Walla Walla County.
I have to admit bias in my support for Chris Blackman but I believe if you talk to her and consider what she would bring to the board of county commissioners, you would reach the same conclusion. Please vote for Chris Blackman for District #2 Walla Walla County Com- missioner.
Barry D Blackman
Walla Walla
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