Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley



When: October 25, 2012

at 6:30 p.m.

Where: 207 South AStreet Prescott Wa.

Meeting to begin imme-

diately following ES

Additional items may be

added to the agenda by

the Principal and/or Superintendent Approval of September27, 2012 regular MeetingMinutes

Report of the Association

Report of the K-12 Prin-

cipal and the Superintendent Business Items

Info/Report Items


WP Combine Report

Legislative report

Student demographics -

October 2012

Info/Discussion Items

Review of Policy 4130 -Title I Parent Involvement

MAP Scores

Discussion of WSSDAAnnual Conference Plans

Action/ Approval Items

Approval - HR/FiscalAssistant

Approval - Hire a RealEstate Broker

Approval - Co-Curric-

ular Positions/Coaching


Approval ESD 123Agreement - Special EdServices

Approval Fiscal Report


Walla Walla CountyBoard

of Commisioners

When: Monday Octo-

ber 22, 2012 and TuesdayOctober 23, 2012. Monday's meeting starts at9:30 a.m. and recesses at

noon. Afternoon sessionbegins at 1:30 p.m. Tues-

day workshop begins at

9:00 a.m.

Where: Walla WallaCounty Public Health and

Legislative Building, 314Main St.


ACTION AGENDA:1) Review submittedEmployee Payroll Ac-

tion Forms. 2) Resolu-

tion - Bid award for theCommunity Social Ser-

vices Center landscaping

improvements. 3) Pos-

sible discussion/decision

re: any pending claimsagainst the County.

CONSENT AGENDA:1) Resolution - Minutesof County Commissioners' sessions of October15 and 16, 2012 and special meeting of October

18, 2012. 2) Resolution

- Proclaiming October,2012 as Domestic Vio-

lence Awareness Month.3) Resolution - Setting

a date of public hear-

ing to consider amendments to the 2012 WallaWalla County Budget. 4)Approving County war-

rants as follows: 4133978through 4134261, totaling $1,451,560.73. 5)

Payroll action and otherforms requiring Board

approval. 6) Resolution -Use of County roads for

the Walla Walla Univer-

sity Foreman and ConradHalls Breast Cancer 5K

and 1 Mile Run/Walk. 7)Signing an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement withGrant County.

BID OPENING: 1)Small Works- Dell Av-

enue Fuel Station


Department Updates and

unfinished business tocome before the Board.



SION: 1) Reports. 2)



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