Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Dayton Falls To WWVA In Thriller

DAYTON - Coming off of two wins against Waitsburg-Prescott on Oct. 16 and DeSales on Oct. 18, the Dayton volleyball team was poised for attack on its senior night against the Walla Walla Val­ley Academy last Tuesday.

However, the Bulldogs fell in a nail-biting finish after five sets against the WWVA Knights Tuesday.

The game began by honoring Dayton seniors Jessica Tate and McKayla Bickelhaupt.

The Bulldogs opened the first set keeping close to the Knights' scores. The score was close un­til the Knights took off with a 10-point run, leaving the Bulldogs to scramble to gain points.

Set one ended with a final score of 25-18, Knights.

In the second set, the Bull­dogs again kept the score close as the teams battled for the lead. Both coaches leaned heavily on timeouts to break up scoring runs and turn the tables in their favor. Despite the Bulldogs efforts, they were unable to score the final two points before the Knights ended the set with a final score of 25-23, Knights.

The Bulldogs were not ready to give up the match and made sure the Knights knew it during the third set. A 12-point run served by senior Jessica Tate rounded off with a couple of aces kept the Knights at bay and left the team slowed and shaken, allowing the Bulldogs to score the final points and end the set with a final score of 25-18, Bulldogs.

With their confidence boosted after the third set win, the Bull­dogs fought to come back. Both teams battled for the lead, but the Bulldogs were able to keep ahead of the Knights. The Bulldogs pulled ahead with their newfound momentum and ended the set with a final score of 25-17, Bulldogs.

In the fifth set, neither team was ready to leave the gym with­out a win. And the fans echoed that energy twofold. The teams passed the lead back and forth, fighting to keep the ball in the air for long volleys that kept fans on their feet. At the end of the set, the Knights were able to squeeze ahead for the final two points, ending the set with a final score of 16-15, Knights.

"We made a great comeback in game five," Dayton head coach Shannon Turner said.

Ultimately, Turner said, the Bulldogs made more unforced er­rors than the Knights, which cost them the game.

Senior McKayla Bickelhaupt had 11 kills, 17 digs and went 11-for-12 at the service line. Jes­sica Tate had 24 assists, 11 digs and went 25-for-25 at the service line. Courtney Mings had seven kills and 12 digs. Madison Mings had five blocks, 12 digs and went 14-for-16 at the service line. Breyana Myrick had five blocks. Lexi Ramirez went nine-for-nine at the service line. Sarah Phillips went 12-for-12 on the service line. Chelsea Wooldridge went nine- for-11 at the service line. Taylor Frame went six-for-seven on the service line.

On Oct. 18, the Bulldogs won in three against DeSales.

Bickelhaupt had 13 kills, one block, 14 digs and went 12-for-12 serving with four aces. Tate had two kills, 20 assists, four digs and went 17-for-17 serving. Courtney Mings had two kills, four digs and went nine-for-12 serving. Wooldridge had two tip kills, five assists, four digs and went nine-for-11 serving. Ramirez had two kills and one assist. Phillips had five digs and went five-for-five at the service line. Bailey John had one kill. Madison Mings had eight kills, two blocks, four digs and went 17-for-17 serving with four aces. Myrick had one kill and three blocks.

On Oct. 16, the Bulldogs won in four against W-P.

Bickelhaupt had 21 kills, 20 digs and went eight for 10 at the service line. Tate had 27 assists, seven digs and went 13 for 13 serving. Courtney Mings had 15 kills, seven digs and went 17 for 18 serving with six aces. Wooldridge had 18 assists, seven digs, four tip kills and went 16 for 17 serving with two aces. Ramirez had one kill and two digs. Phillips had 14 digs and wend 17 for 18 at the service line. John had one block and three digs. Madison Mings had14 kills, five blocks, six digs and went 16 for 17 serving. Myrick had two kills and six blocks.


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