Why am I running for State Senate?
Throughout my life I have always been taught that when something is broken one should try to fix it. As a state employee I have seen things become more and more broken costing the working family more and more. The cur- rent way of doing in busi- ness in Olympia must be changed. My opponent has shown time and time again that he only has his eye on the people at the top and pays less and less attention to the little guy. The work- ing family, the actual small business owner, the people that actually make things run in this state. From voting against oversight of health insurance rate increases and protective legislation for home buyers to voting against requiring schools that teach some sort of sex education to use materials that are scientifi- cally and medically accurate as well as age appropriate, our current senator has shown time and time again that he has little regard for the working family. In the last two sessions he has introduced legislation that would force Washington to become a so-called right to work state. This would cut wages, create more public assistance needs, and in- crease poverty all the while lining the pockets of big business.
I say enough, it's time for a change. It's time for real working people to go to Olympia. It's time for a senator that will be responsive to everyone. Not just those with deep pockets. I feel I am that person. As YOUR senator I will listen to what you have to say. I will always try to respond personally to communications from you and to follow up whenever needed. My door will always be open to anyone that wishes to contact me. I believe strongly that the people will have to solution to almost any problem. And I will listen to those solutions.
Who am I, you may ask, to think I have what it takes to do all of this. I have lived in Waitsburg for 46 years. I have worked since the age of 14 and know what it means to keep to a budget. This being raised by a single parent who has owned a small business in the City of Dayton Washington for the past 40 years.
Upon graduation from Waitsburg High School I began running a business in Dayton while attending Walla Walla Community College. Four years later, at the age of 22, I became a parent myself raising my daughter. Budgets were tight and I sold my business so as to spend more time with school and raising my child. I worked sev- eral years in retail moving from clerk to department manager then a job change to become an assistant manager at a major auto parts chain store. Since my daughter was getting older I went into law enforce- ment part time, later going to full time for the City of Dayton as a police officer. I left the department and later became a corrections officer at the Washington State Penitentiary. I have been a corrections officer for the past 12 years.
In 2010 I ran for and was elected to the Waitsburg City Council and have been re-elected twice since. I have always prided myself on trying to find creative ways to keep costs down for the citizens of Waits- burg. Many times, when the easy way to increase revenue was a simple fee increase, I fought for different ways to increase revenue to decrease the impact on those least able to afford it. I have always tried to protect those whom I represent from unnecessary financial impacts. This is what I will take to Olympia. Job cuts are not the answer. Spending cuts are. Government waste by being overcharged for services and or supplies. Money wasted by various departments because of the "spend the money or you won't get it next year" mentality. Projects that are either over priced or not needed. These are some of the things that will save money and jobs. Making ends meet, that is what it is all about and that is what I am good at.
Snapshot of my life:
Single father of 1 daughter(now grown)
46 year resident of Waits-
Graduated from WaitsburgHigh School as did my
mother and my daughter
Operated an Audio/Vi-
sual sales/rental business inDayton
Studied Criminal Justice at
Walla Walla CommunityCollege
Graduated from the
WCJTC Res Academy inJune 1991
Served as a Res. DeputyMarshal for the City ofWaitsburg from Worked inretail/retail management
Police Officer City of Day-
Graduate of WSCJTC Cor-
rections Academy July2000
Corrections Officer, Wash-
ington State Penitentiary
Waitsburg City Council
Endorsed By:
The Washington State La-
bor Council
Teamsters Local 117
Public Professional & Office Clerical Employeesand Drivers Local 763
Central Washington Build-
ing and Construction
Teamsters Local 839
International Brotherhoodof Electrical Workers Lo-
cal 46
American Federation of
Teamsters Joint Council 28
Plumbing and Pipe Fitters/
Steam Fitters local 598
HOD and Carriers Labor
Union Local 242
UA Local 290
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