Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Walla Walla County

Board of


When: Monday October 29, 2012 and Tuesday October 30, 2012. Monday's meet­ing starts at 9:30 a.m. and recesses at noon. Afternoon session be­gins at 1:30 p.m. Tues­day workshop begins at 9:00 a.m.

Where: Walla Walla County Public Health and Legislative Build­ing, 314 Main St. Monday .ACTION AGENDA 1) Review submitted Employee Payroll Ac­tion Forms. 2) Resolu­tion - Application of Bergevin Williams/Old Lowden Ditch Com­pany for a franchise to construct, operate, and continue to maintain an irrigation system within the county road right of way, in Walla Walla County, WA. 3) Reso­lution - Small Works project for the Dell Av­enue Fuel Station .PUBLIC HEARING: 1) Franchise request by Bergevin Williams/Old Lowden Ditch Com­pany .CONSENT AGEN­DA: 1) Resolution - Minutes of County Commissioners' ses­sions of October 22 and 23, 2012. 2) Resolution - An Intergovernmental transfer of certain coun­ty property to Colum­bia County. 3) Approv­ing County warrants as follows: 4134277 through 4134279 total­ing $218,398.22. 4) Payroll action and other forms requiring Board approval. 5) Resolution - Proclaiming Novem­ber 5-11, 2012 as Walla Walla County Tribute to American Veterans Week. 6) Resolution - Approving Applica­tion for the Washington Traffic Safety Com­mission Child Car Seat Project. 7) Resolution - Setting a hearing date to consider declaring certain equipment sur­plus .MISCELLANEOUS: 1) Entrance audit meet­ing with State Auditor's office representatives re 2011 Accountability Audit. 2)Department Updates and unfinished business to come be­fore the Board. 3) 2012 Budget update. Tuesday .BOARD WORK SES­SION: 1) Report 2) Other 6:00 p.m. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL PRESENTATION ON THE 2013 PRELIMI­NARY COUNTY BUDGET.


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