Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Auxiliary Works To Fulfill Wish Lists

DAYTON - Dayton's First Congregational Church bubbled with activity last Friday as com- munity members and volunteers filed in for the annual Dayton General Hospital Auxiliary Luncheon.

The dining areas filled quick- ly as attendees greeted each other like old friends, making the entire event feel more like a family re- union than an annual fundraiser.

That feeling is exactly what keeps luncheon organizer and auxiliary President Aleta Shock- ley coming back.

"My favorite part (of the lun- cheon) is seeing and meeting old friends," Shockley said.

Shockley said she has been part of the luncheon for years and she was happy with how it turned out.

This year, Shockley said about 75 people donated salads for the luncheon. And all of those donors were local community members. At $7 per person for lunch, plus donations and the sales of baked goods, the annual fundraiser usually brings in about $1,000 or more for the hospital, Shockley said. The money raised by the group goes to purchase equipment for the hospital.

This year, the group is look- ing at purchasing easy chairs for Booker Rest Home, according to a letter Shockley sent out for the group. The auxiliary group also intends to solidify priorities for the emergency waiting room as well as looking at the physical therapy department's wish list.

Coordinator Laura Thorn said she has been helping put the luncheon together for five years and she has been in the auxiliary group for 10 years. Thorn said she enjoys working on the event and the group works well together to help arrange everything in advance. Shock- ley's sister and fellow volunteer Ruth Janes said the luncheon is always a lot of work.

"It's worth the work, though," Janes said.

The auxiliary group will be conducting a membership drive going into the winter months. The group recently gained three new members to help the group staff the hospital gift shop, which will help during the holiday months, Shockley said.

The auxiliary group meets at 9:30 a.m. on the first Wednesday of every month in the hospital admitting conference room. For more information about the aux- iliary group, contact Shockley at 382-2137 or Thorn at 382-2322.


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