COMMERCIAL CLUB WAITSBURG -- Joe Jacobs of the Small Business Administration will be the speaker at the Nov. 6 meeting of Waitsburg Commercial Club. He will advise the com- munity on programs and assistance available to businesses through the Small Business Administration.
VETERAN'S DAY PROGRAM WAITSBURG -- The theme for this year's Waitsburg High School's Veteran's Day program is honoring our past and our present. Roseann Groom is looking for pictures of WHS graduates who are currently serving in the U.S. military. She is requesting pictures and information about WHS military members for this program. Families can send photos and information to her at rgroom@waits- The program will be Nov. 9 at 10:30 a.m. in the WHS Auditorium. Any information will be helpful.
DAYTON FALL CLEANUP DAYTON - The City of Dayton alley cleanup will be- gin Nov. 13, starting at the north end of town and working south. All material picked up must be compostable like garden waste, vines, shrub and tree trimmings. Shrub and tree trimmings must not be larger than 2.5 inches across at the largest end, about the size of the end of a pop can. No grass clippings, sod, dirt, rocks, bricks, garbage, roofing, metal, etc. If we come by and your items are not out, we will not come back for them. A maximum time limit of 15 minutes per stop will be imposed. After 15 minutes, the crew will move on. Any items remaining will be the property owner's responsibility. The city crew is not picking up bagged leaves. Basin Disposal will be picking up bagged leaves. The regular Monday and Thursday route driver will not pick up leaves, a separate truck will pick up bagged leaves so have them ready. The dates for bagged leaves to be picked up will be Nov. 21, Nov. 28 and Dec. 5, all of the leaf pickup dates are on Wednesday s. For any questions, contact Jim or Sal at 382-2361 or 382-4571.
DAYTON LIGHTED PARADE GUIDELINES DAYTON - Lineup will begin at 5 p.m. All entries will be contacted with a line up number and location will start in front of Seneca. All organizers of this parade reserve the right to accept or reject any parade applicant. All entries must have lights on them. Invertors or generators are allowed. Parade participants must portray a holiday, children's or whimsical. Parade participants must fol- low instructions from parade marshals and staff. Parade marshals and staff reserve the right to remove a unit from the line of order for any reason or cause without advance notice. No items such as candy or others will be thrown from any entry. Walkers along side of your float may hand out candy to spectators. Walkers should be in costume, with reflective markings and walking a safe distance from the float while it is in motion. Alcoholic beverages and other controlled substances are forbidden on and along the parade route. Horses must have proper shoes. All vehicles, carriages, etc, bust have lights on them. All parade partici- pants are required to conduct themselves in such a manner as not to infringe on the rights of those people living in and along the staging areas and parade route. No Santas or Mrs. Claus please. One Santa will be at the end and close the parade, no float or entry shall follow Santa.
FIRST THURSDAY CONCERT WALLA WALLA -- The Nov. 1 First Thursday concert will be held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 323 Catherine Street, Walla Walla, from 12:15-12:50 p.m. Music faculty from Walla Walla University will be performing: Lyn Ritz, violin/viola, Karin Thompson, cello and Kristin Vining, piano. The concert is free but donations are greatly ap- preciated, which will be given to the YWCA Women's Shelter, the charity of the performers' choice. Bring your lunch and enjoy the music! For more information call: Tanya Hunker, 529-1083.
RIBBON CUTTING WALLA WALLA -- The Port of Walla Walla would like to invite the community to the Ribbon Cutting event for the Community Solar Project on the Walla Walla Regional Airport passenger terminal building. The event will be at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 30 at the Walla Walla Regional Airport Terminal Conference Room/Lobby. Walla Walla Flat Roof Education Energy is partnering with the Port to install an electrical solar system on the terminal roof to accommodate a 75 kw system. The Port will receive use of the electrical power and is expected to save $7,000 per year in electrical costs for the terminal building.
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