Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Citizens of Waitsburg:

The Waitsburg City Council will be reviewing the budget for the city of Waitsburg on Thurs- day, Nov. 15, 2012, at 7 p.m. at the Waitsburg Lions Club Me- morial Building at the Waits- burg Fairgrounds. Anyone interested in the budget plan for the city is invited to attend the meeting to provide any com- ments or suggestions regarding the budget for next year.

Some highlights of next year's budget include:

Funding for general fund departments including the Weller library, city fire department, pool, park, city and I.O.O.F cemeteries, fairgrounds and city hall

Continued contracting with the Walla Walla County Sher- iff's Office for law enforcement

Flood mitigation activities related to the Touchet River levee deficiencies

Planned reconstruction work on West 7th Street

No planned increases in property taxes or water and sewer utility rates

Informational and tourismrelated improvements to our historic mill site and Main Street

Past city councils, at the rec- ommendation of city staff, have taken great care to ensure that the rates charged to our citizens in the form of taxes and user fees are kept to what I consider the lowest possible level while still maintaining the services offered to our citizens. In fact, the property tax levy per thou- sand (amount you pay based on the value of your home) is at its lowest level in over decade at $2.42 for 2012 versus $3.25 for 2000; saving the average home- owner over this time period $83 on every $100,000 of assessed valuation. Also, the work the city is doing or will be doing along the Touchet River levee has the potential to save citizens money in the form of rates paid for flood insurance should the levee be decertified.

The city has been and continues to be proactive in up- grading its infrastructure. Besides completing the Main Street streetscape project we have replaced the water mains on West 4th Street and West 7th Street in addition to relining in excess of 10,000 feet of aging terracotta sewer line. We have installed a new sidewalk on the north side of Preston Avenue and continue to chip and crack seal our city streets. We also continue to promote the city and its businesses through our various entry/information sig- nage and website www.cityof-

Overall, the city plans to spend roughly $2.3 million in 2013, and I would ask that if any citizen has questions, sug- gestions or concerns with the budget plan for next year to either contact me or one of the city council members, or come to the meeting on Nov. 15, 2012, at 7 p.m.

Thank You,Randy Hinchliffe

City Administrator


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