DAYTON - Three com- munity members and one business were honored dur- ing the 66th annual Dayton Chamber of Commerce Banquet on Thursday, Nov. 1.
Chamber of Commerce Director Brad McMasters said about 170-180 people attended the event at the Run- ning T Ranch in Dayton.
The banquet featured guest speaker George Sharp, the ex- ecutive director of the Olym- pia, Tumwater, Lacey Visi- tor's Bureau, who reminded attendees to continue to work on making storefronts catchy and maintain the quality in employees, storefronts and signage. And Sharp encour- aged everyone above all to expect the unexpected.
The citizen youth of the year award was presented to Dayton High School student Chelsey Martin. Martin was recognized for her work in the community, and complet- ing more than 100 hours of community service. She was also recognized for her work at school in officer positions and with the Associated Stu- dent Body. Martin has also been a member of the Future Business Leaders of America, Youth in Government and Students Helping Each Other Out.
The business of the year award was presented to Coun- try Cupboard, run by Chuck and Raylene Sursley. Country Cupboard was commended for supporting the community and for their friendly staff and delicious foods.
The citizen of the year award was presented to Ro- land Schirman. Schirman was called deserving and dedicated by presenters and 2011 citizens of the year Elaine Hudson and Betty Ann Fletcher. He was also recog- nized for his 25 years as the Washington State University County Extension agent and his volunteer hours at the Booker Rest Home.
The employee of the year award was presented to Jen- nifer Smith-Villaro. Smith- Villaro works at the Weinhard Café and was recognized for being hard-working, trust- worthy and reliable by her employer, McMasters.
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