Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago November 7, 2002

Voters may not know the outcome of the Waitsburg Park and Recreation District Maintenance and Op- eration Levy until election officials at the Walla Walla County Auditor's Office tally all the votes - those cast on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, and those ballots sub- mitted by absentee or mail. As of final count Tuesday evening, the proposition was just three votes shy of the 60 percent margin needed for approval. The final tally showed 269 for, 181 against; 59.78 percent for, 40.22 percent against. Walla Walla and Columbia counties mirrored voters across the state in approving I-776, the $30 license tab fee initiative with 53.91 percent ap- proval, and giving thumbs up to House Joint Resolution 4220 - Property Tax Levy Proposition for fire districts by 68.12 percent. And local voters likewise voted down Initiative 790 (firefighter' pension), Referendum 53 (unemployment insurance) and R-51, the transportation financing measure.

Twenty-Five Years Ago November 5, 1987

The Ambulance Board will meet at 7 p.m. and the staff at 7:30 on Thursday night, Nov. 5, in the high school home economics room to discuss the audit report from the three doctors. An EMS Council Steer- ing Committee will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Patty Horney was named chairman of the Steering Committee at the EMS Council meeting on Oct. 29. The committee, which had been retired because of lack of work, will be revitalized to review the two-tiered protocol adopted by the Walla Walla Emergency Services Council. Patty said that she was not sure who else will be on the committee, because that is decided by EMS President Dr. Greg Brown. She said that because of the controversy surrounding the is- sue, representatives from the Cities of Walla Walla and College Place, county commissioners and hospital per- sonnel will be there. The meeting is open to the public.

Fifty Years Ago November 9, 1962

Miss Nancee Clodius, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clodius was named homecoming queen last Friday at the homecoming ball game. Princesses and escorts were Carole Harris and Tom Land; Kathy Mantz and Carl Peck; Barbara Saxon and Jim Hofer. The queen's escort was Ken Finch.

Engineering plans and estimates concerning the fea- sibility of the Eureka Flats project will be completed this year and the final report should be ready in Fiscal 1964, according to the Secretary of Interior.

Seventy-Five Years Ago November 12, 1937

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown announce the marriage of their daughter Doris to Robert D. Wagoner on Oct. 16.

Miss Maxine Howard, bride-elect of Fred Laughery, was complimented with a bridal shower Tuesday af- ternoon, when Mrs. Forrest Conover, Mrs. Gene Ray, and Mrs. Clifford Trout were hostesses at the Conover home.

Carelessness caused the new awning along the front of the Hamilton Department Store to be practically ru- ined by fire Friday. Two local men were standing talking at the corner of the store. One man struck a match on an iron rod of the awning, the head of the match flew off and set the cloth on fire.

One Hundred Years Ago November 8, 1912

With the election of Woodrow Wilson to the presi- dency and Thomas R. Marshall to the vice presidency assured. Early returns gave indication that the electoral votes of the Democratic candidates would be near the 400 mark.

The local high school suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Walla Walla High School on latter's grounds last Friday afternoon, the score standing at the close of the game 68 to 0.

An embroidery club composed of young ladies has been organized in this city. The membership is to be limited to twelve members who are at present: Mrs. Jes- sie Newman, Misses Luella Vickers, Ruth Cole, Isabelle Taylor, Cecil Meinberg, Pearl Hamm, Constance Mohr, Sarah McGee, Hazel Keiser and Loette McKinney.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago November 18, 1887

J.W. Grayson, the Prescott broom maker, made us a sweeping call yesterday.

John Neace is soon to take a position behind the counters of Bayer & Morrison. Mr. Gaily is to step down and out.

When in the fullness of time the recording angel, with magic wand, draws back the curtain behind which is in- scribed the glorious deeds of humanity; there high upon the scroll, inscribed in letters of living light that will burn and flash throughout the countless cycles of eterni- ty, will be found the name of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Wright, who their hearts beating as one, so kindly remembered the emaciated TIMES editor and his destitute family last Monday with the finest, largest Thanksgiving turkey ever presented to hungry editor. Next.

We spent some time last Monday with the county commissioners in session at Walla Walla and were favorably impressed with the careful manner in which their business was transacted.


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