Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Walla Walla County

Board of


When: Tuesday No­vember 13, 2012. Tues­day's meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. and recesses at noon. Afternoon ses­sion begins at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday's workshop begins at 9:00 a.m.

Where: Walla Walla County Public Health and Legislative Build­ing, 314 Main St. Monday .ACTION AGENDA : 1) Resolution - Request by Walla Walla County Fire District No. 4 to an­nex certain property. 2) Review submitted Em­ployee Payroll Action Forms. 3) .ACTIVE AGENDA: 1) Possible discussion/ decision re: any pend­ing claims against the County. .CONSENT AGENDA: 1) Resolution - Minutes of County Commis­sioners' sessions of No­vember 5 and 6, 2012. 2) Resolution - Reap­pointment to the Civil Service Commission for the Sheriff's office. 3) Resolution - Setting a hearing date to consider adoption of the 2013 county property tax lev­ies and 2013 County Budget. 4) Approv­ing County warrants as follows: ________ through_______, total­ing $_______ 5) Pay­roll action and other forms requiring Board approval. 6) Resolution - Proclaiming November 10-18, 2012 as National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week. 7) Resolution - Adopting a 2013 Business Plan for the Public Works Department. 8) Execute Interlocal agreement between Port of Walla Walla and Walla Walla County for Cost Sharing for the Design and Con­struction of the Railex Road Extension Project. MISCELLANEOUS: 1) Human Services Advisory Board An­nual Report. 2) Miscel­laneous or unfinished business to come before the Board. Tuesday .BOARD WORK SES­SION: 1) Report 2) Other

Waitsburg School District No. 401-100 When: November 14, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. New Business .CONSENT AGEN­DA: 1) Minutes for October 10th Board Meeting 2) Accounts Payable 3) Payroll 4) Budget Status Reports .REPORTS: 1) Ele­mentary Principal's Report 2) Secondary Principles Report 3) Athletic Director's Re­port 4) Facilities/Main­tenance/ Transportation Supervisor's Report 5) Superintendent's Report . BOARD/ PUBLIC COMMENT .NEW BUSINESS: 1) School Improvement Plans, 2012-2013. 2) Resolution 111312: Small Public Works and Consultant Resolu­tion. 3) Personnel. 4) Parent Access to ASB Activities. .EXECUTIVE SES­SION


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