DAYTON - The in- fectiously energetic orphan Annie will brighten Dayton's Liberty The- ater stage this weekend, Nov. 16, through Dec. 1.
The iconic red-head role will be filled by two local girls, Chloe Pearson and Hallyn Boggs. The girls will trade off nights in the lead role, which could have been difficult, but Director Elizabeth Arebalos- Jagelski said working with the two girls has been wonderful.
And with a combined cast and crew of about 77 people, many of whom are younger than 18 years old, having those strong leading ladies is a big help.
"They support each other," Arebalos-Jagelski said.
Twenty-seven girls audi- tioned for the role of Annie and Pearson and Boggs set themselves ahead with their experi- ence in music and stage time, Arebalos-Jagelski said.
"They were not too old hellip; but they had to be a little bit older in order to handle the pressure," Arebalos-Jagelski said.
The two girls were prepared to show how well they would do under pressure from the start of the show. Pearson and Boggs were the first two off book, meaning they had all of their lines memorized, before anyone else in the cast.
Arebalos-Jagelski said the huge musical demand, 18 mu- sical numbers, and the short amount of time the cast has to organize the show required the two girls to be in the right place at the right time so things can move smoothly.
"Between the two of them, they're the perfect Annie," Arebalos-Jagelski said.
Pearson said she enjoys be- ing around the cast and crew.
"It's really fun," Pearson said. "It's a lot of work, but it's fun."
Arebalos-Jagelski said Pear- son has been able to keep her grades up despite the heavy rehearsal schedule and book of lines, music and staging Pear- son had to memorize.
Arebalos-Jagelski's hus- band, Thomas Jagelski, said he doesn't normally sit through entire rehearsals for musical shows, but recently he had a chance to watch the cast do a whole run-through of the show and he said he was amazed by how far they have gone.
Jagelski said the audience is in for a treat with this great show.
Columbia County Commis- sioner Chuck Reeves will play Daddy Warbucks and Arebalos- Jagelski said Reeves will shave his head for the traditionally bald-headed role.
Arebalos-Jagelski said it was difficult to pick a scene in the show as her favorite, but the cabinet scene is probably the one she would choose because the characters visibly shift from pessimistic to optimistic after listening to Annie.
Arebalos-Jagelski said she feels like she's in the show even though she spends her time off- stage because the cast and crew have grown so close.
"(The cast and crew are) my family," Arebalos-Jagelski said.
Pearson will perform the role of Annie at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 17, at 7 p.m. on Wednesday Nov. 21, at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 24, at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 25, and on closing night at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 1.
Boggs will perform the role of Annie on opening night at 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 16, at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 24, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 27, at 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 30, and at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 1.
The theater will be accepting canned food donations for the Blue Mountain Community Food Bank throughout the run of the show.
"Annie" is sponsored by a financial gift from Elk Drug in Dayton.
Tickets are on sale now on the Liberty Theater website ranging from $12 to $20.
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