Ten Years Ago November 14, 2002
Hometown Christmas, Waitsburg's greeting to the holi- day season, will be held on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2002. Commer- cial Club members are beginning to plan for the event. The event will start at noon with a craft show in Ye Towne Hall and Legion Banquet Rooms, a lighted parade at 5 p.m. and a chili feed at 5:30 p.m. Tickets (and cans) for prize drawings will go out Monday, Dec. 2, to local business. A $5 purchase is good for one ticket, just sign the ticket and deposit it in the receptacle. Drawings for the donated prizes will start at 3:30 p.m. You must be present to win. One name to a ticket please. Odako Club will again take pictures of local kids of all ages with Mr. Kris Kringle, for a nominal donation. Commercial Club members Barbara Knopp and Jane Butler will solicit prizes for the drawings, which are held in mid- afternoon and are well attended. After the parade, Commer- cial Club will sponsor a chili feed in Ye Town Hall.
Twenty-Five Years Ago November 12, 1987
The Waitsburg Commercial Club will observe Thanks- giving at its Annual Thanksgiving Meeting, 7 p.m., Nov. 17 at Ye Town Hall. Speaker for the evening celebration will be Gary Lentz, ranger of the Lewis and Clark Trail State Park. Lentz will talk about the park, its history its programs and schedule and its facilities. Members are invited to bring their spouses and-or a guest. To help planning for extra at- tendance, call Ivan Keve, 337-6546.
Fifty Years Ago November 16, 1962
At the Washington State Wheat Growers meeting in Spo- kane this week, the State Board voted not to take a stand on the Wheat Act of 1962 until the Referendum action will be taken until a general state convention is held. The Wheat Act of 1962 will provide more flexibility but won't be as com- plex as the present law, the executive vice president of the National Association of Wheat Growers said Tuesday. The act will be voted on by growers in a referendum next spring to provide a means of maintaining farm income during a period when supplies are excessive; and to provide for an orderly reduction in Commodity Credit Corporation stocks.
Seventy-Five Years Ago November 12, 1937
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown announce the marriage of their daughter Doris to Robert D. Wagoner, Oct. 16. After the regular meeting of Rainbow Girls on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, a surprise was planned for Mrs. Rose Stonecipher, past mother advisor. The honored guest was invited up to the Chas. Neace home and found a nice potluck supper all prepared and awaiting her arrival. Miss Maxine Howard, bride- elect, was complimented with a bridal shower Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. Forrest Conover, Mrs. Gene Ray and Mrs. Clifford Trout were hostesses at the Conover home. Fire was discovered in the basement of the Headquarters Club. W.A. Miller, proprietor, at 3 o'clock Monday morn- ing, but timely assistance from the townspeople confined the blaze below the floor of the building and prevented what could have easily proved a disastrous blaze.
One Hundred Years Ago November 8, 1912
Dr. H. A. Mount and Forrest Carpenter arrived home the latter part of last week from a very successful hunt in the Rocky Mountains in the State of Montana. They were away from home five weeks and were back in the mountains three weeks. Halloween night passed off unusually quiet in this city. From the report of the police the boys did not attempt to "pull off" anything except clean fun. There has been on display during several days the past week at the jewelry store of K. Falkenberg, Walla Walla, a most beautiful assortment of perfect diamonds. With the election of Woodrow Wilson to the presidency and Thomas R. Harshall to the vice-pres- idency, early returns gave indications that the electoral vote of the Democratic candidates would be near the 400 mark.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago November 11, 1887
Married in Walla Walla Nov. 5, 1887, Richard Ludwigs and Miss Barbara Kauffman. There are 163 pupils in at- tendance at Whitman College;. There are 53 students in the musical department. G.W. Kellicut, Frank McKinney, Jack Smith and R. Willard left yesterday morning on an extended hunting expedition in the Hayden Lake country. James Clark, alias Morrison after boarding himself and four mules with A.N. Brown a month, suddenly skipped out this week, forgetting to settle his account. On Nov. 1, John Sampson will take individual control of his meat market now oc- cupied by Smith & Marvin. T. H. Jessup will have charge of the block. Smith and Marvin will probably open another shop. Waitsburg Academy is now comfortably settled in its new building and we miss old familiar ringing of the Academy bell. Born in this city Nov. 9 to the wife of Chas. Kingman, a daughter.
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