I am writing this letter to make my sugges- tions to the city council or anyone else who may have dealings with Christmas music that was at one time regu- larly played downtown during the holidays.
I have lived in Waits- burg for 14 years and I loved to be able to go downtown over the holi- day season and hear the Christmas music. For some reason the last few years we have not had it. Was there complaints? I am not sure what the deal is, but I miss it and I am not alone.
I miss the Santa music and the religious Christmas music that so many of us love to hear from the day after Thanksgiv- ing to New Years Day. Why the absence? Is this politically motivated? Are we breaking laws here? We go into a mall or downtown in larger cities and the music is out and about and pleas- ant to the ears and to the soul.
The same could be said of Waitsburg and for some reason it is no longer taking place. I understand the sound system is aging, but it works and it is plenty clear enough to under- stand when shopping and moving around dur- ing the holidays.
One of my favorite things when we moved to Waitsburg was the music downtown during the holidays. I have had outside family members come over and stay at our house over Thanks- giving and Christmas and they made positive comments regarding the downtown Christmas music. I thought it was here to stay and it is sadly missing these last few years.
I hope we re-consider this as the holidays are again approaching.
I for one would love to have it return this hol- iday season. I hope the powers that have any- thing to do with this can re-think this decision. The music does not have to be digital quality, just loud enough for all of us to sing along with and enjoy at this most excel- lent time of year.
Jeff Bartlow
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