Walla Walla County Board of Commisioners
When: Monday November 19, 2012. Tuesday's meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. and recesses at noon. Afternoon session begins at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday's workshop begins at 9:00 a.m.
Where: Walla Walla County Public Health and Legislative Building, 314 Main St. Monday .ACTION AGENDA : 1) Review submitted Employee Payroll Action Forms. 2) Resolution - Declaring certain equipment as surplus. .ACTIVE AGENDA: 1) possible discussion/ decision re: any pending claims against the County .CONSENT AGENDA: 1) Resolution - Minutes of County Commissioner's sessions of November 13 and 14, 2012. 2) Reolution - approving an Investment Services Agreement between Walla Walla County and Walla Walla County Noxious Weed Control Board. 3) approving Agreement with WA State Office of Public Defense. 4) Approving County warrants as follows: 4134635 totaling $20,528.34 (draw taxes). 5) Payroll action and other forms requiring Board approval. 6) Resolution - Setting a Hearing date fot the 2013 Mill Creek Flood Control Zone District Assessment. .MISCELLANEOUS: 1) Continued discussion re: revisions to the 2013 preliminary Walla Walla County budget. (Note: The preliminary 2013 budget remains approximately $1.9 million out of balance, expenditure requests in excess of revenue anticipated. The County Commissioners must adopt a balanced budget for 2013. ) 2) possible continued discussions regarding balancing the 2013 preliminary County budget. 3) Miscellaneous or unfinished business to come before the board. Tuesday .BOARD WORK SESSION: 1) Reports 2) Other
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